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Miami will join in 1960. I feel that by then the league would have had enough time to get established and explore expansion.

Okay, thanks. I didn't mean to jump the gun, but reading the Dolphins logo thread I see their name and logo is so firmly entrenched in everyone's minds that it'd be hard come up with an acceptable alternative.

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It's all over!! And what a slugfest!! When the smoke cleared teenchy with his Buffalo Wings tiebreaker entry has eked out a victory over Patchez Buffalo Icebreakers design. Congratulations teenchy here's your award...Display it with pride...tzch6.jpg

My thanks to everyone who entered, everyone who voted and the people that make this site a reality.

Great contest.....But It's all over but the shouting!

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What can I say? I'm honestly surprised and sincerely flattered, especially since learning that a significant number of people here are professionals. :notworthy: Given that I only have MSPaint to work with the quality of my submissions suffer, Buffalo in particular. Still I look at this as evidence that having a grasp for what's trying to be accomplished with the logo and package can help overcome those limitations. (If I were a pro I'd invest in some more advanced applications, of course.)

A good backstory can help too. The Buffalo Wings story, though cheesy, was I thought at least good for a laugh. I've read that Buffalo style chicken wings were invented at the Anchor Bar in the early 1960s, though like any food legend that's subject to dispute - look at all the Original Famous etc. Ray's Pizza restaurants in NYC, for example. I did try to make the football look a bit like a C-46 though.



As for the Denver Miners, the name and colors I used came from a fantasy league c. 1983 that college friends and I had using the APBA card game (remember that?). The USFL had just started and we came up with fantasy names, logos and unis for the teams. The most memorable in hindsight was the Jacksonville Jaguars, well before the NFL team; unis were like the Bengals' but substituting yellow for orange and spots for stripes. There was also the Atlanta Rebels, very non-PC with CSA battle flag helmets and all-gray road unis. The Miners' logo we drew had a cartoon miner throwing a football while holding a pickaxe in his non-throwing hand. I tried to recreate it and use it here in lieu of my "pickaxe through D" but the result looked too much like the Steelers' punting steelworker that I was afraid you all would accuse me of trademark infringement. Wish I could find those drawings.

Again, thanks for your votes both in regulation and overtime.

PS: The Dallas logo reminded me a little of the Stewart's Root Beer logo, as if Stewart's decided to make a sasparilla (sp?). ;)

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The Buffalo Wings story, though cheesy, was I thought at least good for a laugh.  I've read that Buffalo style chicken wings were invented at the Anchor Bar in the early 1960s, though like any food legend that's subject to dispute

Congrats teenchy!,

I knew I lost when I saw the name Buffalo Wings, a name that I rejected because of the 1964 date the most famous sauce was introduced.


What I really wanted to avoid, is a graphic of the animal buffalo, which you did as well.

While researching the city of Buffalo, I found that the town's rich history of river commerce was drastically altered by the creation of the St. Lawrence Seaway. It remains important for the Buffalo River to be cleared of ice jams in the winter and I was impressed by the mighty Edward M Cotter, the oldest active fireboat in our nation, whose secondary chore is to do just that.



I illustrated the boat and life preserver in Adobe Illustrator and used Adobe Photoshop to add texture and convert for web.

Considering the year 1955, I went with a basic color scheme of red and black and to represent tonal values, I choose a course "halftone" look representative of a more dated, and ecomonic printing process back in the day.


Excellent challenge Zone for "retro designing"! Thanks for the opportunity!

This was my first effort on this board, and in future trys, I will remember to consider the demographic of the voting population, most importantly age (and apparently, appetite!).



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Congrats teenchy!

I second that!.

This was a great contest. I didn't get any votes, but oh well, I did make an effort and had a good time doing it.

There were a lot of great entries.

But now............

Since we did the AFL, we should do the WHA too.

It is 1971 and do the expansion NHL as if the WHA never existed.

There could be cities such as:

Cincinnati (They would have had the slot that Kansas City had if they would have waited, but they went to the WHA instead.)

San Diego





San Francisco




New York




Since there was the Original 6, The Expansion 6, The Next 6, this could be the World 6 or the Fantasy 6.

Have a poll of the top 6 and award them with a icon.

Same as the AFL contest with claiming a city, just a hockey one.

Just a thought.

Any body up for it?

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Since we did the AFL, we should do the WHA too.

It is 1971 and do the expansion NHL as if the WHA never existed.

There could be cities such as:

Cincinnati (They would have had the slot that Kansas City had if they would have waited, but they went to the WHA instead.)

San Diego





San Francisco




New York




Since there was the Original 6, The Expansion 6, The Next 6, this could be the World 6 or the Fantasy 6.

Have a poll of the top 6 and award them with a icon.

Same as the AFL contest with claiming a city, just a hockey one.

Just a thought.

Any body up for it?

I might be, now that I have a little confidence in my ability to place a name and logo in a specific era. :hockeysmiley: Putting the contest in the context of the early 1970s could lead to some wild use of colors, graphics and fonts. Voters will need to remember that as well.

I need to search this board thoroughly but I'm sure there are some threads out there re: what makes an appropriate name/logo? Connection to the city? Marketability? Ease of reproduction? Noninfringing on existing designs? (example: IIRC the comic strip Tank McNamara ran a story line a few years back about "merchandise only" expansion franchises.) Again given the presence of so many professional graphic artists and designers in these forums I imagine it's been discussed in detail.

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