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Crazy Ending to Alamo Bowl


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Michigan didn't get screwed out of a game...they couldn't seal the deal and that had happened 4 other times this year. Did each of those losses come from "poor officiating" and not Michigan choking?

Not to mention that a lot of their wins were by the skin of their teeth...Not that I am piling on or rubbing it in on poor Michigan or anything... :rolleyes:


No, I agree. I'm not content with where we're at with the talent we have. There's no reason we shouldn't be in the BCS. People like to fall back on the fact that we lost 4 games by 17 points (5 by 21 now), and were that close to being undefeated. Well, conversely, we beat MSU in OT, PSU on a miracle last second pass, and Iowa in OT. We were that close to missing out completely. I look at OSU 2002. People dogged that team for being a weak champion, but I think they're one of the better champions. Great teams win when the games on the line. We blew 8 4th quarter leads this season. Attitude is the problem, and attitude reflects leadership. I hate the fact that there was poor officiating and questionable calls that the coaching staff and fans can fall back on and ignore the real problem. In all honesty, if Ecker pitches the ball to Breaston, and he runs the extra 20 yards into the endzone like he would've, are we in a better position? I don't think so.

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I'm not even a Michigan fan... hell, I hate Michigan... and I'm still saying they got absolutely screwed.

The ENTIRE NEBRASKA TEAM WAS ON THE FIELD while the ball was still in play! How's that not a penalty? And they should've gotten their two timeouts back from those challenges. And that was a very obvious pass interference on 4th down.


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Michigan didn't get screwed out of a game...they couldn't seal the deal and that had happened 4 other times this year. Did each of those losses come from "poor officiating" and not Michigan choking?

Not to mention that a lot of their wins were by the skin of their teeth...Not that I am piling on or rubbing it in on poor Michigan or anything... :rolleyes:


No, I agree. I'm not content with where we're at with the talent we have. There's no reason we shouldn't be in the BCS. People like to fall back on the fact that we lost 4 games by 17 points (5 by 21 now), and were that close to being undefeated. Well, conversely, we beat MSU in OT, PSU on a miracle last second pass, and Iowa in OT. We were that close to missing out completely. I look at OSU 2002. People dogged that team for being a weak champion, but I think they're one of the better champions. Great teams win when the games on the line. We blew 8 4th quarter leads this season. Attitude is the problem, and attitude reflects leadership. I hate the fact that there was poor officiating and questionable calls that the coaching staff and fans can fall back on and ignore the real problem. In all honesty, if Ecker pitches the ball to Breaston, and he runs the extra 20 yards into the endzone like he would've, are we in a better position? I don't think so.

Now that ladies and gentlemen is class. Well done Michigan Dave.

I think that Michigan underachieved this season. I'll be honest, playing Michigan in Ann Arbor this season scared me to death. I knew how much talent they had and I think Henne is the real deal. I figured we stole one last year in Columbus so it was no biggie to get beat this season. Watching Michigan flounder this season with the talent they had makes me wonder if a coaching change is necessary. Lloyd has been there 10 years. John Madden said that after 10 years a head coach should move on or they'll burn out. Could be Lloyd needs a change.

Anyway Dave your team owed you more than what they gave you and all Michigan fans this season. Here's hoping that it comes down to your guys and my guys for the Big 10 title again next season. See ya at the Shoe. :D




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I'm not even a Michigan fan... hell, I hate Michigan... and I'm still saying they got absolutely screwed.

The ENTIRE NEBRASKA TEAM WAS ON THE FIELD while the ball was still in play! How's that not a penalty? And they should've gotten their two timeouts back from those challenges. And that was a very obvious pass interference on 4th down.

We shouldn't have gotten our timeouts back. The first timeout was smart, and negated a TD. The second time, Lloyd should have remembered the MSU game. They weren't going to overturn that. As for the PI call, yes, it should've been called, but had we not gotten a false start penalty on first down, we would've been in 3rd and 3, and been able to run to get the first down. The bottom line is that it shouldn't have come down to the calls, and by making excuses, the blame is shifted from where it belongs, and it's tougher for the necessary changes to be made.

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Michigan didn't get screwed out of a game...they couldn't seal the deal and that had happened 4 other times this year. Did each of those losses come from "poor officiating" and not Michigan choking?

Not to mention that a lot of their wins were by the skin of their teeth...Not that I am piling on or rubbing it in on poor Michigan or anything... :rolleyes:


No, I agree. I'm not content with where we're at with the talent we have. There's no reason we shouldn't be in the BCS. People like to fall back on the fact that we lost 4 games by 17 points (5 by 21 now), and were that close to being undefeated. Well, conversely, we beat MSU in OT, PSU on a miracle last second pass, and Iowa in OT. We were that close to missing out completely. I look at OSU 2002. People dogged that team for being a weak champion, but I think they're one of the better champions. Great teams win when the games on the line. We blew 8 4th quarter leads this season. Attitude is the problem, and attitude reflects leadership. I hate the fact that there was poor officiating and questionable calls that the coaching staff and fans can fall back on and ignore the real problem. In all honesty, if Ecker pitches the ball to Breaston, and he runs the extra 20 yards into the endzone like he would've, are we in a better position? I don't think so.

Now that ladies and gentlemen is class. Well done Michigan Dave.

I think that Michigan underachieved this season. I'll be honest, playing Michigan in Ann Arbor this season scared me to death. I knew how much talent they had and I think Henne is the real deal. I figured we stole one last year in Columbus so it was no biggie to get beat this season. Watching Michigan flounder this season with the talent they had makes me wonder if a coaching change is necessary. Lloyd has been there 10 years. John Madden said that after 10 years a head coach should move on or they'll burn out. Could be Lloyd needs a change.

Anyway Dave your team owed you more than what they gave you and all Michigan fans this season. Here's hoping that it comes down to your guys and my guys for the Big 10 title again next season. See ya at the Shoe. :D

Thought you may find this interesting. I read it earlier in the week, and it sums up my feelings about the attitude of this team, and the sloppiness on the field. As a former letterwinner, I definitely agree with whomever this is. There was NO WAY we should've lost the game this season. But, it comes down to heart. There's a lot more of that in Columbus than there is in Ann Arbor. As much as I don't like Tressel, I've never heard him mention officiating, or talk about players "deserving better" after blowing an 11 point lead with 8 minutes to go against an unranked team.

The Wolverines were disappointed, of course, that their January bowl streak came to an end when Iowa was selected for the Outback Bowl in their place, but could have done their part with a win over Ohio State. One former Wolverine with close ties to the Columbus area said there?s an easy explanation for Michigan?s recent struggles with the Buckeyes, and it?s not pleasant for U-M ears.

?It?s not Jim Tressel, it?s not Lloyd Carr ? it?s actually come down to a couple guys on their team deciding that they?re not going to lose,? said the source. ?Their best players, what we call ?dogs,? they step up. All you need is two on each side of the ball. They had Santonio Holmes and Troy Smith and those two linebackers (A.J. Hawk and Anthony Schlegel), and they just outplayed us.

?As a matter of fact, I saw (OSU center) Nick Mangold and (linebacker) Bobby Carpenter out, and they pretty much told me they can tell we don?t put the same effort into the game. We don?t play with the same passion. We show up and play hard, because that effort we gave against Ohio State would have beat any other team in our conference that day, and it just kind of came down to they wanted it more.

?The guys have to step up and realize how you play that game. It?s not larger than life, but there?s a certain way you play Ohio State. You don?t fight fire with fire ? you fight it with a fire extinguisher.?

Losing four of the last five doesn?t sit well with any Wolverine, of course, but it?s had as much of an effect on the former players than anyone, this former player insisted.

?It does bother me,? he said. ?I just want our guys to realize that every game is important, but when it comes to that one, don?t put too much on it, but if you play it a certain way and take it to them ? if we match Ohio State?s intensity and passion for that game, we?ll get back to winning the same way we did from ?88 pretty much to 2000.?

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say what you want about Lloyd Carr and I don't like him as much as the next OSU fan, but the way he is gets it done. Did you see in the Penn State game when he argued with the officials for an extra two seconds. With one play left guess how much time was still on the clock, that's right two seconds and Michigan won. Lloyd's little nitpicky arguments and stuff like that are probably the reason for alot of his success.


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say what you want about Lloyd Carr and I don't like him as much as the next OSU fan, but the way he is gets it done. Did you see in the Penn State game when he argued with the officials for an extra two seconds. With one play left guess how much time was still on the clock, that's right two seconds and Michigan won. Lloyd's little nitpicky arguments and stuff like that are probably the reason for alot of his success.

Yeah, that's just smart. If you're losing the game, I say argue for every second you can get. Ya never know when it could pay off.


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