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Tank Super Stumber 1/28/06


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I. Who was the Vikings QB in Super Bowl IV?

II. What Defensive Backs have won Super Bowl MVP?

III. Who recorded the first safety in Super Bowl history?

IV. Who blocked a Mark Mosley PAT in Super Bowl XVIII?

V. What cartoon debuted after Super Bowl XXXIII?



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I. Who was the Vikings QB in Super Bowl IV?

II. What Defensive Backs have won Super Bowl MVP?

III. Who recorded the first safety in Super Bowl history?

IV. Who blocked a Mark Mosley PAT in Super Bowl XVIII?

V. What cartoon debuted after Super Bowl XXXIII?

I. Joe Kapp

III. The Steelers against The Vikings




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II. Jake Scott (VII), Larry Brown (XXX) & Dexter Jackson (XXXVII)

III. Dwight White got credit for Pittsburgh's safety in SB IX

IV. Don Hasselbeck (Matt's dad) of the Raiders

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I. Joe Kapp

II. Jake Scott (VII), Larry Brown (XXX) & Dexter Jackson (XXXVII)

III. Dwight White got credit for Pittsburgh's safety in SB IX

IV. Don Hasselbeck (Matt's dad) of the Raiders

V. Family Guy



For the best in sports history go to the Sports E-Cyclopedia at



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