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AFL teams to get Alternate jumpers


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I predict a red jumper for the Dons. heh, could simply be a reversed version of the regular shirt or it could be something we'd never expect. it could kick ass and stick around

There is nothing preventing Essendon from starting what will become a new tradition with its clash jumper. Essendon fans of the year 2056 could easily look back and say we've only had two jumpers in the club's entire history...

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Actually, the precedent was actually set in 1925.

North Melbourne were admitted to the then VFL under a few conditions.

One of them was that they were to either wear a different jumper to their Navy with White monogram version they had in 1924, or they were to provide an alternative for games against Carlton.

The opted for a Royal Blue jumper with a White Vee.


do you have a pic of that jumper that the kangaroos wore in 1924?


so long and thanks for all the fish.

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Actually, the precedent was actually set in 1925.

North Melbourne were admitted to the then VFL under a few conditions.

One of them was that they were to either wear a different jumper to their Navy with White monogram version they had in 1924, or they were to provide an alternative for games against Carlton.

The opted for a Royal Blue jumper with a White Vee.


do you have a pic of that jumper that the kangaroos wore in 1924?


I have my version of it at home I'll post it tonight.

I don't have the pic from the club though.

It has a big C with NMF inside it.

The jumper was Navy, the monogram White.

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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heh, so basically they looked like Carlton. interesting.

Well, they have a history.

They were originally Royal Blue.

But they merged with West Melbourne who wore Black.

The first season they wore West jumpers and carried North's name.

This didn't sit well with the fans.

So they adopted Navy as an alternative to both.

And yes, they looked like Carlton until the league made their change a condition of their entry to the competition.

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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THe move doesnt worry me aslong as they make Collingwood change as well. I don't care about Essendon, their jumper is in their constitiution so that a bit of a thign to sort out. Collingwood a few years ago paid us to wear our Heritage/Clash/Away strip in our home game agaisnt them, and obviously they created the clash by changing their jumper in 2000 or 2001.

Rob, does that mean EFC members vote on the new clash jumper as its a chagne to constitution?


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Well they have to work out what they're going to change the constitution TO, first... Geelong is in a similar situation. AFL licence trumps constitution, but that's not sufficient grounds to allow the club to act unilaterally.

And one article from The Age suggested that the AFL wasn't going to approve any clash strip that had hoops or stripes...

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And one article from The Age suggested that the AFL wasn't going to approve any clash strip that had hoops or stripes...

...there goes all Eddies ideas....

i didnt think Geelong had it written into there constitution cos they have a away strip and a few years back had a clash strip that sucked...


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i didnt think Geelong had it written into there constitution cos they have a away strip and a few years back had a clash strip that sucked...

I think Geelong's constitution requires jumper changes to be approved by a special majority of members.

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Well they have to work out what they're going to change the constitution TO, first... Geelong is in a similar situation. AFL licence trumps constitution, but that's not sufficient grounds to allow the club to act unilaterally.

And one article from The Age suggested that the AFL wasn't going to approve any clash strip that had hoops or stripes...

The Age must be incorrect.

Collingwood's Clash jumper for 2006 is White with Black stripes and a White number panel on the back.

(The same as they wore from 1987 to 2000.)

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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The Age must be incorrect.

Collingwood's Clash jumper for 2006 is White with Black stripes and a White number panel on the back.

(The same as they wore from 1987 to 2000.)

That's what made me wonder...why would the league get Collingwood to commit to black on white before deciding that it was NBG for everyone else?

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