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I'm looking at taking my best friend to a rooftop game for his bachelor's party. If you've lived under a rock your whole life, I mean watching a game from teh rooftops at wrigley field. We'll probably have 10-15 people and we are looking for the Friday June 16th game against the tigers. not very marquee.

Anyway, has anyone gone on the rooftops? Can they offer any suggestions on which one offers the best deal? We obviously want to drink, and would like to drink after the game (if that's allowed) and for it to be included. I was seeing prices in the 150-180 (per person, all inclusive) range and we are perfectly ok with that.

Moose might be able to offer the most help, but I know there are quite a few cubs fans on here.


PS...I know that the new bleachers could cause trouble. The only information I found was that it might take away the 3rd floor views on some but none of the rooftop views. Any further info on that would be great as well.

Oh, and we want to rent a penthouse/presidental suite for Friday and Saturday. Any thoughts on those in chicago would be great if you know.

that's a ton of info, but thanks for anyhelp you can get me!

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Pat - If you go the Cubs website, there's a link to the rooftop owners who have agreed to pay the Cubs for the privilege of living next to Wrigley. You can select any of their websites and see sample views from the past. Pricing information is usually available, as well.

If you need to have extra tickets sold to make the appropriate number of guests, let me know. I'd love to see a game from the rooftops!

EDIT - Just checking the Cubs' site now, I couldn't find the link. I'll post it if/when I do.

It's where I sit.

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I looked into a rooftop party for my bachelor party back in 1997 and the best rate we found was $150 per person. This included all you can eat and drink before, during, and after the game. I don't remember what rooftop, but it was a weekend interleague game.

Check out www.beyondtheivy.com

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Well, I've never done the rooftop thing, but here's what I know...

Most of these places are for larger groops. Like 50-100 people and up (think corporate retreats). They are typically all-inclusive, and you just pay the one price to get in the door, and they keep you fed until they kick you out sometime after the game...

As to location, the closer to the foul poles you are the better. Closer to center, the less of the field you can see.

Doing a google search finds the following:

The Ivy League Baseball Club

The Sheffield Baseball Club

3639 Wrigley Field Rooftop

Brixen Ivy

Murphy's Bleachers (they're not taking reservations right now because of the renovation - they are just to the RF side of the scoreboard)

Cubby Bear's Rooftops

I hope this helps... I know there are more rooftops out there (I think there are something like 13 rooftops all together... Also, I remembered this article from the Chicago Tribune last summer that you may be interested in buying from their archives... (It'll cost you $4), but it gave you a good idea about what you get for your buck, plus all the offerings of all 13 rooftops. If I was going to definatly rent a rooftop this summer, I'd spend the $4...


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Wow, thanks alot guys. I found that page with all the rooftops and I emailed them all asking for more info. Most of them had 20 person minimums from what I can tell...but I think about 4 of them had 10 person minimums. I think i could get 20 if the price and everything was right.

Money's not a big thing. I mean, it usually is but I want to do something special cause its a bachelor party. going to Wrigley is great, but he does that every year. Going on the rooftops is something special I think.

Anyway, thanks again for the help, I'll check out that article for sure.


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Why anyone would pay $150 + to sit on a rooftop across the street from Wrigley in Mid June is beyond me, but if thats your kinda thing then i say go for it. Sounds interesting, but the view cant be terribly good.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Wow they actually charge to get up there what if you lif in that building?

If you live in the building, you're only renting there. The owner of the building controls the roof top. You're not allowed up there without paying for the privilege.

It's where I sit.

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Better views than other outfields around the league. Better than some seats in wrigley even.

Its unique. I don't see the difference in spending 150 bucks to drink and eat (catered food btw) all you want than spending the same to sit in a cramped seat behind a pole buying beer from a vendor and a cheap ass hotdog.

Lets say you sit in an average seat at wrigley. So we are talking...30-40 bucks for a ticket.

So you have 120 left. 7 bucks a beer, say you have 10. (at a bachelor party, this is very likely) So you have 50 left. Buy a hamburger, hotdog, and you are down to about 35. I'll pay 35 for the experience of being on the rooftops, something you can't do anywhere else.

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