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Two teams in one city


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How do Fans in cities with two teams decide who to root for

Jets or Giants?

Lakers or Clippers?

White Sox or Cubbies?


Does Los Angeles Angels and Dodgers count

Definitely, they do count, besides even though the Angels have played in Anaheim for 40 years now, they have always been the Los Angeles area representative in the American League.

Los Angeles, as a sports town, is pretty fairweather, even though you do have dedicated fanbases for both the Dodgers and Lakers, since they were here first. For me, I'm a Clipper fan (as you can obviously tell). I've rooted for the Clips since Larry Brown came to town in 1992 (at 12 years old, that's really when I became a serious NBA fan) and the Lakers were beginning the post-Magic Johnson era. During the Lakers greatest years (Showtime, Shaq-Kobe), I can safety say the Lakers fans outnumbered the Clippers fan, 2 to 1, even though I think most Lakers fan aren't true fans to begin with. I just stuck with the Clips ever since then, I've always rooted for the underdog and was at times a bit more entertaining than watching the Lakers. Call it the "Element of Surprise".

As far as Dodgers-Angels, right now, pretty much all of Los Angeles County roots for the Dodgers, while Orange County is Angel Country. The rest of the metropolitan area (Ventura, Riverside, San Bernardino Counties) is probably somewhat split. Ventura might have more Dodgers fans because it's much closer to Los Angeles, while the Inland Empire (Riverside-San Bernardino) is closer to Orange County and you'll find more Angels fans there.

If you look at Angels and Dodgers home attendance, it's been pretty much even since the Halos won the World Series in 2002, although Dodger Stadium seats 10,000 more than Angel Stadium (capacity 45,050). The Angels (4th) and Dodgers (2nd) were both in the top 4 in MLB home attendance last season.

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When we had both Cyclones and Mighty Ducks hockey a few years ago it wasnt the team that I cheered for it was the arena. The Mighty Ducks played at the historic Cincinnati Gardens and was reasonablely priced(tickets, food, parking, etc..), the Cyclones playing at The Crown/Firstar Center/US Bank Arena which was unbelieveably high(tickets, parking, food)

Im a little unhappy with what the new Rail Raiders are planning on doing of raising prices and charging for parking. However they might now get off the ground as they need 2000 season tickets to be sold in order to have a team next year. Their "Drop Dead Date" is tomorrow and as of the begining of this week they only needed 500 to reach their goal.

Oh how I miss my hockey.

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When we had both Cyclones and Mighty Ducks hockey a few years ago it wasnt the team that I cheered for it was the arena. The Mighty Ducks played at the historic Cincinnati Gardens and was reasonablely priced(tickets, food, parking, etc..), the Cyclones playing at The Crown/Firstar Center/US Bank Arena which was unbelieveably high(tickets, parking, food)

Im a little unhappy with what the new Rail Raiders are planning on doing of raising prices and charging for parking. However they might now get off the ground as they need 2000 season tickets to be sold in order to have a team next year. Their "Drop Dead Date" is tomorrow and as of the begining of this week they only needed 500 to reach their goal.

Oh how I miss my hockey.

I read in the paper today that they needed like 380 to sell

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How do Fans in cities with two teams decide who to root for

We've REALLY got that problem here in North Dakota. :P

"I'm sorry, Mr. Winghaz. You want the 'How Do People With No Teams In Their City Decide Who To Root For' thread. That would be Room 317, just down the hall."

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How do Fans in cities with two teams decide who to root for

We've REALLY got that problem here in North Dakota. :P

"I'm sorry, Mr. Winghaz. You want the 'How Do People With No Teams In Their City Decide Who To Root For' thread. That would be Room 317, just down the hall."

No, the question there is how do people in Hillsboro decide between NDSU and UND? :P


edit - and I became a Cubs fan as a kid because of my Dad, who became a Cubs fan because of his Mom... Plus Cubs season tickets while growing up helped.

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