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Bemidji state hockey ncaa


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Well, I finaly figured out my MS Paint problems. Here is a link to my first try. The Bemidji State Beavers play in the CHA league, and I will put their logo on sometime soon, but just for starters, what do you think?


PS - I am still designing the shoulder logo.  It will be the outline of the state of Minnesota, with a star in the location of Bemidji.  I am also thinking about putting "BSU" across it as well.

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I generally resign myself to lurking and posting an occasional batch of soccer concepts, but I must say I feel a bit of Iempathy and dare I say synergy with moose97.  

After I post something, I will usually check the site every couple of hours, waiting in teppid anticipation for those comments of praise or even criticism to come streaming in.  However, soccer is apparently not quite as popular as say...endless streams of nonsensicle cross-overs.  I have come to accept this though.  My message to you moose97, is to do likewise.

However, you sir moose97 are at an advantage; you post hockey concepts which this forum loves.  The problem is that your skills do leave a bit to be desired.  I understand thought that this is your first post, so they can only get better.  I've been churning out concepts for three years now, and would say i've become quite skilled.  If you have a bit more patience for the forum and it's fickle members, I think you'll find it to your liking.  

To address your particular concept; the quality of the actual picture is not very good.  I generally do my work in Paint or Photoshop and save using Photoshop.  It makes sharp, grisp gif or jpeg files depending on your personal preference.  Your picture is a bit small and pixelly, which is not quite as professional as some members would like.

The concept itself is not bad.  My criticism would be that the design itself doesn't seem to mimic typical hockey styles.  I'm a bit of a design conservative, so I would have centered the bever logo; I would have removed the text entirely.  Again though, those are my personal preferences.  Your concept is good though.  While it may not be my cup of tea, it may well be yours, so keep on keepin' on.

Ok.  I'm done now.  Back to lurking...

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OK, then Mockba, if you don't have an opinion on the jersey, than what do you have an opinion on?  Care to share it?  I'm sorry if the quality isn't up to your standards.  Cripes, I didn't realize you had to be perfect to post here.  It seemed like everyone was having fun, doing what they liked.  I thought, "hey, why not give it a try?"  I've done concepts with pencil and paper before, why not learn MS Paint?  So the image quality isn't up to your standards.  Tell me that, and tell me how to fix it.  You don't like the design?  Why?  Don't like NCAA hockey?  Anything specific (i.e. constructive criticism), or do you just want to say "I don't like it."  Either way, an opinion of some sort is better than your vague statement.


ps - If you don't like this one, try the Morthern Michigan jersey I posted.

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I think UCLA and Discrim covered my opinions on the jersey--it's a recolour of the Sharks template, and I'm pretty against slapping the name across a hockey jersey when you have a reasonably nice logo.

My (sarcastic)  opinion had to do with not once, but twice, complaining about having a lot of views but no replies.  It's... well, lame. *shrug*

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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Don't get mad man, Mockba means no harm.

I think there's a few reasons for the weak response.

1. It's a relatively unknown school. No past experience with what they wear, and likely very few fans for whom Bemidji State actually means something... for whom seeing those words would catch their eye.

2. It's nothing new. Since the advent of this particular template, we have seen many 'concepts' make use of the curved shoulder area, and use paint to fill that area in, slap a logo on the front, and post. I realize that you feel you've done more work than that, and deserve better, but these are the facts.

3. When people don't like it or are indifferent, they don't reply. Part "if you don't have anything good to say..." and part not having anything to say, period.

A lot of the quality problems stem from the image size. I've already posted in the N. Mich. conept thread how to fix that.

Keep it up, you'll get better.

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Moose, welcome to the boards and don't let your frustrations keep you from continuing to post concepts. Not every concept is going to invite a lot of commentary - that's just the way it is. Others have already alluded to the fact that your concept, while certainly not lacking in thought and effort, isn't exactly innovative in design, color or logo. A positive to be taken from the number of looks you have received is that you are at least attracting attention. If people have no opinion then they aren't going to leave a "calling card" just to say they've seen your concept. If they don't have something constructive to say, they likely won't say anything. Most of the sarcasm and outright venom aimed at designs is usually aimed at those people who are actually paid to design and select the uniforms that actually get put to use by teams (see the threads for the Phoenix Coyotes, PHX Suns, Minnesota Wild alts and Dallas Starts alts for example). It's pretty rare for that kind of criticism to be leveled at the contributors to this board. As you continue to refine your skills chances are you'll wind up posting some designs that will provoke commentary from the board participants. However, if you make repeated efforts to solicit comments where none had been forthcoming, it's going to look like a blatant attempt at self promotion and people might get the wrong idea about what appear to be your sincere efforts. Chin up and keep trying.

UCLAcrew - It was good of you to offer encouragement to Moose, however when you call the regular participants on the board "fickle" and ridicule some of the regular activities on the board ("nonsensical crossovers"), you give the appearance of trying to bait people into an argument or invite a counterattack. You are certainly entitled to your opinion and to express it as you see fit, so long as you adhere to the moderators' rules, however when you attempt to raise the spirits of a disconcerted member of the board and then resort to what would appear to be attacks on what you generalize as being the personalities and preferences of board members your credibility is greatly diminished.

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I didn't mean to bait, so I'm sorry if it came off that way.  Just that like moose97, I've found response to my posts generally lacking.  A little frustration builds.  Especially in light of other threads and designs which I feel are lacking in creativity or general skill recieving large numbers of responses.  

Just frustration on my part.  I didn't mean insult.

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