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Right the third time


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last night i went with my grandma and one of my aunts to a concert being held at my old high school.  i don't know if any of you are familiar with the President's Own Marine Band, but it was a good show.  however, i was reminded why i hate sitting in the back seats of small cars-i been in worse, but i was feeling squished last night...now i'll share the worst ride i been in, sittingwise.  this is when i was powerlifting, got a ride from the coach, stills, and he already had big danny in the front seat...i spent the whole ride in the fetal position, basically.  not exactly the best way to get ready for a meet, i tell ya.  

and now we have what is possibly the thing least likely to cause someone to just start laughing...no, not a monotone teacher...not America's Funniest Home Videos...believe it or not, a freaking kneel-down!  it was the second to last game i played on JV, and end of the season.  bradford was about to beat us 19-6 or something, and a kneel-down was coming up.  so the QB kneels and strangely enough, i hear one of their guys laughing ??? unfortunately i didn't see what was so funny and was left dumbfounded.  i mean, it's not every day you hear someone laughing when someone takes a knee.  

thanks a bunch, next on CCTV is the premier of "T-dot O-dot"


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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goin a little from the 'what uni would you get if you could?' thread, i mentioned that i would wear a full Iowa Barnstormers uniform if i had one...i failed to mention that while i was a sophomore in high school i actually went ahead and wore most of my uniform.  from lunch to the next to last class of the day, got a lot of reaction for it.  only things i didn't have on were cup, cleats, helmet and shoulder pads, i had everything else on.  i remember making some attempt at not sliding off where i was eating...my coach, who was a counselor then, told me to take the pants off and get my jeans(my locker was across the hall from the offices, which made getting stuff for some classes hell).  

on an unrelated note, i just heard they made a TV sequel to Phenomenon...i sort of liked the first one, watch for it Saturday if you feel like it.

and now a question related to the full uniform story...what's the strangest piece of clothing/footwear you ever saw anyone walking around in?  i don't mean most of that crap them models walk out on the catwalk in, nobody wears that crap, and no wild hair stories cus that's common.  seen somebody walking around in a cheese hat?  guy in a skirt?  someone wearing the Kings' original third?  lay it down for us


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Haha, I was planning on doing that! Me and a lot of my friends played football back in the day, and with Spirit Week (annually on the week before the Rock Hill-Northwestern football game...involves different themes on dressing crazy) we were all going to wear as much of our old uniforms (the last one I have is 7th grade) as we could, pants, jersey, cleats, socks, etc. Problem is, I was 4'6" 95 lbs in the 7th grade...5'11" 160 now...jersey won't be a problem, but I'm gonna have a time fitting into those pants :laugh:


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and now a question related to the full uniform story...what's the strangest piece of clothing/footwear you ever saw anyone walking around in? i don't mean most of that crap them models walk out on the catwalk in, nobody wears that crap, and no wild hair stories cus that's common. seen somebody walking around in a cheese hat? guy in a skirt? someone wearing the Kings' original third? lay it down for us

Try going around Camden market in London, weird clothes on people everywhere!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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with at least one pair of shoes i got, i'd fit right in there :D a while back, i stumbled onto this page here. this piqued my interest and i decided to make a pair. six shoestrings, two bike tires and some finishing touches later i decided to wear em around the mall here. noticed my geta (about an inch taller than the regular kind) caught several eyes (and one behind-my-back ignorant comment), cus it ain't every day you see somethin like that here :D

i tell ya too, i figure i could live in a small town where everything's pretty much within biking or walking distance. i figure i could live in the inner city. no way i could live in the suburbs, though. too far from everything, no sidewalks, nothing within walking distance...hell, you gotta get in your car just to get to the mailbox :laugh:

and i hear that in utah if you wanna get with somebody you gotta make up some lame limerick or some junk. here, ya just gotta be Caron Butler :P ten years ago you had to be Brent Moss, but then he started getting high and you know the rest of the story

the 1986 NFL encyclopedia sums up the third American Football League pretty sufficiently here:

of all the rival leagues in history, six have been accorded major league status. Of those six, none was smaller, more poorly timed, or appears to have had less meaning than the third American Football League, which operated in 1940-41.
i figure this could apply to several other junctures...ABA 2000, we hardly knew ya...Aldershot, rest in peace...Ryan Leaf's career...Alexandre Daigle's comeback attempt...Rutgers' 3-0 start...

speaking of Rutgers, why is the State University of New Jersey called Rutgers anyway? is SUNJ too boring? hey, let's rename the University of Wisconsin the State U of Wisconsin and call teh school Evergreens


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Hey now, Alexander Daigle has four goals for the Wild this season. Sure, he's still a big bust, career-wise, but considering he had four goals in thirty-some games all of last season, it's an improvement.

Buy some t-shirts and stuff at KJ Shop!

KJ BrandedBehance portfolio


POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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well, i tell ya, i was shocked to hear Bagelboy actually did something :D

going on doing something, tonight...possibly the most highly anticipated debut of a single player in NBA history...yes that's right gents, returning for a second season nationally...The LeBron Show!!!  Watch the one anointed by the media as the next one as he debuts against the Webber-less Sacramento Kings...all i gotta say is LeBron's looked like me, shotwise: too inconsistent for the Cavs to lean too heavily on him right now.

Where's Dennis Chism and Grayson Boucher when ya need em?

in preparation for his running of the New York Marathon, Puff Daddy....er, Diddy Pop...um, P. Daddy...P. Diddy is sporting the most ill-advised 'do since Ronaldo's WC02 Final fade.  As I wondered about Ronaldo's little patch, i was wondering: Puff, who the hell told you they liked this?  another question: worst haircut you've ever seen?

and now a special announcement:

I am not Michael Jordan.

I did not win the 1988 Slam Dunk Contest.

I am not 6-6, 220 lbs.

I did not attend the University of North Carolina.

I was not passed over in favor of Sam Bowie.

I did not become the first notable athlete to get a shoe deal.

I did not retire three times and attempt to buy the Milwaukee Bucks.

I do not care what people think of what I do.

I am not Michael Jordan.

I am Discrimihater...Tha True Cross Fader


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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ya know...i'm wearing my watch on my left wrist and it feels weird, cus usually it's on the right wrist.  sort of like if i had on a suit.

halloween came and we had candy ready...nobody came though, so let's eat :D  speakin of eating, i really want a p'zone but i have no money, so i think i'm gonna settle for leftovers.

the porch is getting fixed, and not a moment too soon...last winter i was afraid to walk on it cus i thought i was gonna fall through one of these days.  

anyone who's a will and grace fan, grace aka debra messing got a little call from da stork...and mooterus was seen in pamplona, spain buying barcelona dragon gear :D

for some reason i'm thinking of march when i had jury duty.  the defendant in the case i was chosen for, i can't help but think the guy was an idiot.  as the lawyer was talking about his rap sheet, i was figuring this guy is consistent when it comes to crime...consistently bad cus he keeps getting caught...and the reason he was in court?  dumbass tried to break into Dino's Pizza at 3 in teh morning

outkast...them boys are geniuses...they crazy but they brilliant.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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speaking of Rutgers, why is the State University of New Jersey called Rutgers anyway? is SUNJ too boring? hey, let's rename the University of Wisconsin the State U of Wisconsin and call teh school Evergreens

Really weird that you would bring these two schools together on this topic. One of my high school history teachers attended U of W in the late 60's and apparently there was a petition drive among some students to rename the Madison campus The University of New Jersey since New Jersey is apparently the only state with no college bearing its name.

By the way, this is certainly unique stream of consciousness stuff you've got going here Discrim.  Are you sure you aren't remotely related to Larry King?  This looks like his old USA Today column.

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larry king...nope, no relation...and about the UW renaming thing, i did not know that, although with the stream of Jersey guys we been getting to come to Camp Randall(Ron Dayne, Anthony Davis, et al), we might as well be UNJ :D cus SUNJ....er, Rutgers sure ain't keepin their boys home

and i'm pretty much in a different country of mind when i post in this thread.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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The LeBron Show, season 2: The Professional

episode 4: LeBron meets up with Carmelo for the first time as ESPN attempts to turn this into the Magic-Bird rivalry.  Carmelo seems to have lost his J and tries to find it before LeBron arrives

passed on to me from ESPN: episodes of The LeBron Show, season 1: Schoolboy are now available at fine stores everywhere, and also at St. Vincent-St. Mary High's A/V room, on sale for $45 :D

fox canceled skin...apparently folks like jim belushi's show better.  skin's storyline was interesting to me, however.

and so we find something: school swiping begats school swiping...ACC takes VT, Miami and BC..so Big East counters with Louisville, DePaul, Marquette, Cincy and USF...who will be replaced with SMU, Tulsa, Rice and Marshall in Conference USA...but wait, we're not done yet!  the Sun Belt loses Utah State and New Mexico State to the WACk...and might lose UNT and Idaho to said WACk, thereby pretty much ending that conference in football.  also, Army's going back to life as an independent, where they should be anyway, and Temple's boot from the Big East is official after next year...the year UConn football joins.  and half of the teams are STILL screwed over cus there is no playoff!!!  Division 1-A, take a flyer from Division 3.  You can still have a dominant team in a playoff format...case in point Mount danging Union...notice i said Mount freaking Union!!! i seen last year's edition live, they are better than advertised.  a USA today columnist said MUC could hang with or actually BEAT Ohio State, i wouldn't doubt that for a second.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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