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Barca beats Arsenal


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Wow, now that is a Yankee-esque collapse.

Maybe the Yankees should switch their marketing alliance with Man. United to Arsenal.

What a match.

The Catalans should be partying for a week straight. I was there when they won the European Super Cup, and fireworks went off for two straight nights.

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What do you mean yankee-esque collapse, if you're alluding to the 2004 ALCS, then you are dead wrong, Arsenal was down to 10 men, and had their backup keeper, what do you expect??? They're playing Barcelona...well anyways I'm a die hard Gunner fan, and i was heartbroken. Thierry Henry really let one slip.

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What a devastating game. I recorded it and just finished watching. The first Barca goal was clearly off-side -- Wenger was right to criticize.

Nontheless, it was quality football. The Gunners with only 10 men put up one helluva fight.

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Well, what about the bad call on the Lehman red card?

The ref should of let them play on, and allowed the goal...

Too bad, I kinda like Arsenal... except for Henry.

Funny that this will be the 2nd most popular sporting event in the world this year, and only 4 posters on the subject.

I guess people would rather debate the best Brewers logo and the Chargers throwbacks.

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Arsenal can have no complaints. They were lucky not to go 1-0 down and Henry missed two chances he'd normally score 90% of the time in EPL games.

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Indeed it will be the second largest single match audience for any sport this year, anyone know the figure. I do know that 2004 clash between Chelsea and Arsenal at the Highbury brought in 600 million viewers worldwide...according to the play by play man.

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I took the afternoon off from work to watch. It's too bad the goalie got the red card so early. Arsenal did great to go ahead, but it really just seemed like a matter of time before Barca got one back with all the pressure they were putting on and all the time left to play.


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