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Ambidextrous Pitcher


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Close, but I think the rule is you can't pitch with both arms in the same at-bat. You can switch during the inning.

DING!DING!DING! Give that man a cigar, he's right. (And a credit to South Jersey!)

Switch-pitchers can change from one batter to the next, provided both arms are suitably warmed up. And they do not get extra warm-up pitches before the inning. And if a switch-pitcher faces a switch-hitter, the pitcher must declare which hand he's throwing with first. Neither batter nor pitcher may change during the at-bat.


Greg Harris had 1 glove, made to be worn with either hand.

And 'Scrim, you'll never get me to arm wrestle lefthanded - I broke my elbow playing hockey in high school, and the nerve running behind the elbow (ulnar nerve for you anatomy buffs) slips out of its groove. When it gets rolled over (as in arm wrestling), it hurts like a mother. B)

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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And 'Scrim, you'll never get me to arm wrestle lefthanded - I broke my elbow playing hockey in high school, and the nerve running behind the elbow (ulnar nerve for you anatomy buffs) slips out of its groove. When it gets rolled over (as in arm wrestling), it hurts like a mother. B)

heh, it's pathetic, really...here I am, an ex-lineman, my right arm's to arm wrestling what the Washington Generals were to the Globetrotters...and my left's arm wrestling's version of Jake Plummer :D


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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I used to be able to toss a baseball fairly decent with both arms. Back when I was younger me and my best friend used to play long toss every day religiously for a few years. We would toss the ball around and when our throwing arms got tired we would switch gloves (Hes a righty, im a lefty) and keep throwing. We both got pretty good at it and he even played a few games at first in high school as a lefty. Neither of us could pitch worth a damn with our natural arms let alone our opposite arms though.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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And 'Scrim, you'll never get me to arm wrestle lefthanded - I broke my elbow playing hockey in high school, and the nerve running behind the elbow (ulnar nerve for you anatomy buffs) slips out of its groove. When it gets rolled over (as in arm wrestling), it hurts like a mother. B)

The same thing has happened to me, with the same sport.



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I do most things right-handed, throwing the baseball, shooting in hockey, and I place kicked in HS football with my right foot. However, when I play goalie for hockey, I catch with my right and blocker with my left which is extremely rare. There is no basis for this preference, as I catch baseballs with my left. It might have come from keeping the same style curve from playing stick to goalie stick. That's as near as I've gotten to an explanation. Catching left in goal feels foreign and wrong to me. It has also made finding inexpensive second-hand gear next to impossible.

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