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Contest Idea


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I had an idea for a contest during school today. What instead of cities having 4 or 5 different teams (EX: Detroit- Pistons, Red Wings, Lions, Tigers, Shock) why not just one team name and colors for every sport. I was thinking that each person would pick a city and then week after week we would have to create a different set of uniforms for different sports and award points and then at the end the person with the most points wins. I do not think that I myself could organize this but if you are interested feel free to pick it up and run with it.


-The Few, The Proud, The Paint Users.-

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't quite know what the idea is here.

Is it to use the few cities that have teams in every sport, then pick one of those team names and adopt it over for the other sports?

Or use the same colours one of the teams have, and adopt it for the existing teams, eg Blue White and Orange for New York, then make the Giants, Rangers, Yankees and the Knicks all wear it?

What about other cities?

Or could we use any city, and change the team names? eg Boston Panthers. then make a logo and uni for each sport.

Could I get a better explanation?

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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I think with the right direction, this contest could work and be quite nice. What would have to be done as far as standings/scoring would go is that whoever entered the first competition would have to enter for each uniform and each level of the contest so that they are assured to gain points through each phase of the competition. To post the results, you can post the standings each week after week 1 but NOT show everyone's point totals, that way you assure that there's not an overwhelming push for someone down in the standings to pull it off just based on their reputation on their boards. Also for each uni done, use a standardized template that all competitors have to use, that way someone with an original template can't win on style points that way. It also prevents from figuring out who did what concept as certain artists have "signature" templates they use. This can be pulled off, just needs the right organization. Good idea, though.


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Somewhat of a hijack here, but has there ever been a contest for creating an intentionally terrible concept? Like a contest to see who can create the worst piles of uniform filth? I think it would be hilarious.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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Somewhat of a hijack here, but has there ever been a contest for creating an intentionally terrible concept? Like a contest to see who can create the worst piles of uniform filth? I think it would be hilarious.

We've done that the last three years.

The winner got to do Oregan's football uniforms.

Didn't you see them in the sig of the opening post?

He might even have been one of the 'winners'.

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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Somewhat of a hijack here, but has there ever been a contest for creating an intentionally terrible concept? Like a contest to see who can create the worst piles of uniform filth? I think it would be hilarious.

Actually, we did hold a contest for that once. I think the winner created an all-orange Detroit Tigers' uni.


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ha no one has said anything

And you ruined it...

Somewhat of a hijack here, but has there ever been a contest for creating an intentionally terrible concept? Like a contest to see who can create the worst piles of uniform filth? I think it would be hilarious.

We shall call that contest "The Patsox Award"

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