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Creating a new fantasy board


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Maybe done in bad taste, but meant in good fun. :) You guys lighten up. We're all here to enjoy each other's company.

Hey! That used to be my sig line!

One of my "friends" on MSN actually quit talking to me when I used that as my messenger name...

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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No hard feelings, just be a little bit smarter and don't be a [mod deleted] tool...

lurk for a little bit until you get a feel for how the board flows, and you'll be fine...

...I promise........... mwuahahahahahahaha!!!!  :D

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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Can't we all just get along? :D

alafornia, I think it's consensus that was a silly question. Shoulda maybe PM'd Chris about it, this just coming from the Monday Morning QB.

JQK, relax man. Goos Fa Ba. No need for abusive language, be the bigger man in the situation and just do like Bobby Knight "I should've walked away."

I think that's what we should call JQK from now on. "The General" :cool:

EDIT: This coming right after JQK's post.

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well, dude.. all in all this was good times. Nice post, nitro... as always, dead on target.

acali... lurking is always best when getting to a new board. If you had lurked, you would have found that JQK curses at everyone, and if you just smile and let him smell your hand, he generally doesn't bite.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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Oh, yeah, great idea, telling Kinger to be like Bobby Knight. Didn't he just pull a knife on his boss?

I don't think he pulled a knife, otherwise Bobby might be throwing chairs in jail.

But I'm thinking be like him in a sense, only go through with what he should've done. Just walked away.

But the jump to temper leads to similarities between the two.

Knight jumps to temper over being told he's doing a good job with his temper.

King jumps to temper over some newbie that didn't lurk long enough.

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Actually, I'm the one who brought up the knife.  I was stealing from Fast Times at Ridgemont High - Spicoli calls Mr. Hand a dick in class and by the time news of the incident reached the cafeteria the word was that Spicoli had pulled a knife.

And my sources in Lubbock tell me that Knight, er Coach Knight (I don't want to get accosted and lectured), actually pulled out a bazooka, not a knife.

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Hey guys, i'm not some kind of monster or lunatic or nothing... i just flew off the handle after he couldn't even spell

"Jagerfu-ker" right... It's a J, not a Y... :P

I have nothing against the dude... hope he fits in well soon...

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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[mod note] this thread has been edited somewhate, edited portions are in italics [/mod note]

You know what? I'm sick of the tendency of this so-called "community", to immediately judge most new members of the CCSL Boards as slow-witted nuisances who are only capable of asking assenine questions. Oh, pardon me...TFAQs. Is it any wonder that a new member of the boards might grow a bit defensive when their initial question is instantly berated by a string of insufferable "board police" exhibiting a pack mentality?

Meanwhile, everybody snickers like shoolboy suck-ups in the middle school cafeteria when "big, bad" J. Quincy King - the bully of the CCSL boards - chimes in with one of his standard f-bomb littered tirades. Give me a break!

For the record, alafornia hadn't engaged in any behavior warranting JQK's typically Tourette's-inspired fourth post of this thread, until after he'd already been insulted three times by JQK. To whit:


There's a nice, friendly, "community"-minded rejoinder if ever I've heard one.

"I hope my berating has helped you in some way, please come again..."

Yes, it's helped me identify the CCSLB's resident bully, who just happens to be incapable of the simplest of exchanges without resorting to foul-mouthed, insecurity-fueled rants. [mod deleted]

"jesus... you are quickly reaching xlr8r's level of annoyance..."

Though you're nowhere near approaching JQK's level of unparalleled immaturity and utter pointlessness.

"I have more design talent in my ass..."

Given that most graphic design begins with an image in the "mind's eye" of the artist, we can conclude that JQK is finally admitting that he's got his head up his ass.

"I'm not saying I'm good..."

Rather astute of you. You MIGHT be brighter than the picture accompanying your member profile actually indicates.

" 'J. Quincy Queen'... jesus danging christ, dude, i was hearing that in grade school..."

[mod deleted]

However, and you can call me cruel for saying so, while I now begin to understand JQK's fragile psyche... I'm not ready, willing or able to cut him slack. You see JQK, I have - quite simply - grown bored of your bull. The constant berating of other members of the CCSL Boards... the strained attempts at "South Park"-style humor. It's not "hip"... or "cool"... or "edgy"... or  "rebellious"... or"anti-establishment".

It is, quite frankly, PATHETIC.  

You try to say and pull the crap out here, that you know you're incapable of getting away with in the world beyond that of internet chat rooms. Because in here, what's the worst that can happen to you? Someone calls you out via the keyboard, right? [mod deleted]

[mod deleted]

Don't cry, JQK. Your CCLB friends will be back tomorrow. Some of them might even laugh at your jokes.

Brian in Boston

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[mod deleted]

How dare you, DARE you presume to know what my childhood was like.... You want to know what i went through, call me up some time, we'll discuss it, but until then you don't dare...

[mod deleted]

Yea, i called the guy a dip****.. not the best choice of words, and that's my fault. His reaction was understnadable, and when i read it, i did the wrong thing, and i escalated the situation, however, you have brought things down to a personal level i never did, because you feel that's the only way you can win a fight, is by trying to hurt people. I don't try and hurt, i cure, yea, whatever, but these people are just words on a screen, and they see me as the same, nothing is taken, or should be taken, personal.

But you decided to  make fun of my picture, my childhood, my weight, isin't that a classy move on your part. Brian, "The Class" of the boards.

If you are the embodiment of class, i want no part of it, i'll stay as crass as i am now, because as of right now i am a better person than you.

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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Oh... here we go. Cue the violins. Poor, little J. Quincy King had a tough childhood. Boo-hoo-hoo.

Sorry pal. I'm sure that you and I could share "horror stories" from our childhoods that would "curl the hair" of some of the more fortunate members of the CCSLB community. I don't doubt that you and I have far more in common then you're willing to give me credit for. In fact, I'm certain that there are plenty of people who regularly post on the CCSL Boards who have dealt with traumatizing incidents in their childhoods.

That's the point. They've dealt with them - are still DEALING with them - in a way that doesn't include being a complete jerk on these boards. There is nothing - NOTHING! - that excuses your behavior towards others out here. And it's not just because you're acting like an ass towards other people either.

Sure, that's part of it. Call me old fashioned, but I believe that if you treat other people with respect and understanding... hey, you'll get respect and understanding in return. But you know what else? If you treat other people with respect, it's also the first step towards you showing yourself some respect. YOURSELF!

I'll take your last post at face value JQK. You had a tough childhood. You know what? Don't wallow in it. If you're going to now claim - in the wake of my calling you on the carpet for your antisocial behavior - that the reason you behave the way you do out here is because of your upbringing... I'm sorry, that's a cop-out. You're an adult and you don't have to behave that way.

Brian in Boston

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Everyone -- deep breathing exercises.  Think of vast green fields and peaceful oases . . . . . .

Although I have neither the time nor the burning interest to do the hard research and statistical analysis behind my hypothesis, I would venture to guess that over 90% of newcomers and/or infrequent guests to the board are either welcomed outright or at least not treated in a "let's pick on the new guy" fashion.  However, I think it's relevant to look at the genesis of this particular controversy.  

A fellow with a grand total of three posts and four months on the board makes the following request and observation, "Can we move all the fantasy leagues, teams, trades, press releases to a new board? (Major League Football, Independent Hockey League, Professional Football Alliance, etc.) "

He insults the relevance and (relative) importance of the fantasy leagues among the board's membership - the communities that we together have built - by treating them as a mere bagatelle and a distraction to the "principal purpose" (as he views it) of CCSLP.  I can see where people would get defensive regarding this comment.

Then he ices the cake with this condescending and ill-conceived remark, "I think we've begun to stray horribly from Sports Logo discussion."  His tone suggests that "we" are somehow off task and off topic.  He's been here four months out of the seven plus years this community has been in existance and contributed less than one tenth of one percent the volume that the joint's top poster has contributed, but he thinks he knows what's best!  It's just inviting ridicule.

This isn't some lost newcomer trying to make a constructive suggestion - it's someone who thinks that they know what's good for everyone here or what we all want.  And that's simply not the case.

That being said, I did delete my prior sarcastic contribution only because I feel that this post does a better job of explaining why I fell Alafornia was out of line.  I'm chalking it up to bad judgment on his part and hoping we can all move on.

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