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JoePa: Underpaid

Mac the Knife

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A Harrisburg-based newspaper forced the hand of Penn State University, and this week a long-kept secret in collegiate sports was finally brought to light:

Joe Paterno is, by 21st century standards, grossly underpaid.

JoePa, who's a veritable institution in Western and Central Pennsylvania despite not fielding the most competitive teams of his career lately, reportedly receives an annual salary of slightly more than $500,000 - nowhere near what a head coach of his record and stature would command on the open market today.

"I'm well paid. I'm not overpaid," Paterno apparently remarked. True on both counts.

I always respected Joe Paterno for staying at Penn State - he could've taken any of about a half-dozen NFL jobs that were offered him over the years, including the Pittsburgh Steeler head coaching job that ultimately was given to some guy named Chuck Noll. And while I'm not a fan of football anything making more than professors or others that actually directly contribute to the purpose of the university - academics, for those wondering what I was speaking of - the fact that Paterno's the type of guy who has never commanded top dollar when he easily could've received it, who never apparently went back to his employer and said, "So and so will give me $3 million a year... match it or I walk," speaks volumes to me.

A friend of mine (and oddly enough, Raleigh's local AP college football poll voter) was named for him, given the first and middle names "Joseph Paterno." I thought that was positively nutty when I first heard it, but now I think Paterno is a man - not a coach - worthy of such a tribute.


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I think it does speak volumes about his loyalty to Penn State and how truly happy he is about job, not too many people can say that. Heck, I would be fortunate to be over 80 years old, still working happily, and get paid $500 000 for doing it.

I saw, I came, I left.

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Do a little research and see how much of his own money he has donated to the university and compare that to the $1.8 MILLION whats-his-face nobody outside of Houston knows just got to take the Baylor head job. Paterno's worth to that university as a whole not just the athletic department cannot be measured in dollars. He is a man with out peers in regsrds to his service to that community.

What the h@// is it with all the nosiness into college football coaches business? Last year it was the Freedom Of Infomation Act stunt in re Houston Nutt's cellphone usage.

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Do a little research and see how much of his own money he has donated to the university.

Am I by no means a Penn State fan, but I have always respected and admired JoePa for the money he has donated to Penn State.

The one part I do wonder about is how much he is paid by Nike and/or how much he receives for TV and radio shows and the like. It is possible that some of the gap is made up from those sources, though I suspect he is still underpaid when those same revenue sources are added to the salaries of his peers.

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Paterno's a public employee. It shouldn't take much to figure out his salary.

Yes, but in this case there had to be a lawsuit filed in order to find out. PSU, inexplicably, hadn't released that information.

Whatever he gets from outside sources, he's worth. Those aren't public dollars, so if he makes $30 million a year from Nike, Gatorade or whoever, more power to him.


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He's donated millions of dollars to the university, hell, he has a ginormous library named after him because of how much he gave towards it...seriously, that place is so goddamn big...

God only knows where other $ of his has gone...

And yeah, he gets tv $ and Nike $, etc., but just think of how much $ he's generated for the school just by being there, how many donations former football players (esp NFL) have given the school because of him, how many other alums donate b/c he's there, and the building of the program over the years to the point its at today where over 100,000 people fill the stadium each Saturday and bring millions upon millions to the school, local businesses and restaurants, etc.

There's one hell of a return on an annual investment if I ever saw one...

Oh, and let me add that I'm really fed up with him and his regime from a football standpoint. I greatly fear that he's grooming his son Jay to be his successor, which would be the worst thing ever....


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And yeah, he gets tv $ and Nike $, etc.,

Just so I'm clear, I'm not suggesting he doesn't deserve that money. I'm just curious to know how much he earns from those sources (especially relative to other coaches).

Most Liked Content of the Day -- February 15, 2017, August 21, 2017, August 22, 2017     /////      Proud Winner of the CCSLC Post of the Day Award -- April 8, 2008

Originator of the Upside Down Sarcasm Smilie -- November 1, 2005  🙃

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And yeah, he gets tv $ and Nike $, etc.,

Just so I'm clear, I'm not suggesting he doesn't deserve that money. I'm just curious to know how much he earns from those sources (especially relative to other coaches).

Well the school doesn't have to release that (they probably know the amount, but its even possible they wouldn't know all of it) because thats not school $, so theres probably no way we'd ever be informed of that...


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And yeah, he gets tv $ and Nike $, etc.,

Just so I'm clear, I'm not suggesting he doesn't deserve that money. I'm just curious to know how much he earns from those sources (especially relative to other coaches).

Well the school doesn't have to release that (they probably know the amount, but its even possible they wouldn't know all of it) because thats not school $, so theres probably no way we'd ever be informed of that...

Even through he is a public employee salary information can be kept private. Usually a lawsuit is filled to force the University, School, School District, Education Board and etc. to disclose infromation. Public employee's emails, phone records and any communication used or sent from a campus, or site can be requested. However, most of the time unless a lawsuit if filed the released information is done with the employee in mind as well as their privacy as much as possible. In other words they will not just supply infomation because it has been requested. From my experience this is done to ensure good relantionships with union employees as well as the hours + tax payer money the could be spent providing information "upon" request, just because. The only agency that a public funded agency reports to without request is the state, it would be upto the state on how they handle salary information.

"Try not to have a good time ... This is supposed to be educational."

- Charles Schulz


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