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Hartford Whales Concept


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This is my first attempt at an NHL jersey. I've cobbled together my own template by looking at jerseys at the NHL Shop and DawgPacPBH's awesome concepts, and to be honest I've surprised myself with how well this came out. If you can't tell by the player name and number, this would involve moving the Islanders to Hartford, and also going with Whales instead of Whalers. I like Whalers better, but you probably couldn't get away with that name anymore because of environmentalists and stuff. I've darkened the colors slightly from the original Whalers, and changed the primary logo to an H and made the old school W with the semi-H in the middle the alternate. The Canucks kinda use these colors now, but they look too good with the Whalers logo not to use them. C&C!





EDIT: Tweaked colors slightly, flipped logos, added a little white in the dark jerseys to pop it a little more.

P.S. Quick hockey noobish question. This has been driving me nuts. Someone here has to know what the +/- stat means. I watch every Panthers game I can and I've been all over the net, even the NHL's site and can't seem figure it out. Thanks lol.

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This is my first attempt at an NHL jersey. I've cobbled together my own template by looking at jerseys at the NHL Shop and DawgPacPBH's awesome concepts, and to be honest I've surprised myself with how well this came out. If you can't tell by the player name and number, this would involve moving the Islanders to Hartford, and also going with Whales instead of Whalers. I like Whalers better, but you probably couldn't get away with that name anymore because of environmentalists and stuff. I've darkened the colors slightly from the original Whalers, and changed the primary logo to an H and made the old school W with the semi-H in the middle the alternate. The Canucks kinda use these colors now, but they look too good with the Whalers logo not to use them. C&C!


P.S. Quick hockey noobish question. This has been driving me nuts. Someone here has to know what the +/- stat means. I watch every Panthers game I can and I've been all over the net, even the NHL's site and can't seem figure it out. Thanks lol.

+/- is, IMO, one of the most overrated stats in any sport. You get a '+' if you're on the ice when your team scores. You get a '-' if you are on the ice when your team gets scored ON. +/- doesn't apply, however, on special teams.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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+/- is, IMO, one of the most overrated stats in any sport. You get a '+' if you're on the ice when your team scores. You get a '-' if you are on the ice when your team gets scored ON. +/- doesn't apply, however, on special teams.

Thanks. That was really driving me crazy... interesting stat, kinda weird to give everyone on the ice a '-', unless someone like Crosby burns the entire team lol.

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+/- is, IMO, one of the most overrated stats in any sport. You get a '+' if you're on the ice when your team scores. You get a '-' if you are on the ice when your team gets scored ON. +/- doesn't apply, however, on special teams.

Thanks. That was really driving me crazy... interesting stat, kinda weird to give everyone on the ice a '-', unless someone like Crosby burns the entire team lol.

That's the thing. Many people rate players (especially defensemen) on their +/-. As a defensemen, I hate when people bring that stat up and use it.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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+/- is, IMO, one of the most overrated stats in any sport. You get a '+' if you're on the ice when your team scores. You get a '-' if you are on the ice when your team gets scored ON. +/- doesn't apply, however, on special teams.

Thanks. That was really driving me crazy... interesting stat, kinda weird to give everyone on the ice a '-', unless someone like Crosby burns the entire team lol.

First off I really like the concept, except for using the H instead of the W. I guess it just looks diffrent then what I'm used to. Secound, I really like the +/- statistic becasue it shows how well a player is playing his position and how much of a two way player he is. I remember when Rick Nash tied for the NHL league in goals he was also a -30 something. It doesn't help the team much if you score, if you also give up that many goals. It applies even more for defensemen I think.

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+/- is, IMO, one of the most overrated stats in any sport. You get a '+' if you're on the ice when your team scores. You get a '-' if you are on the ice when your team gets scored ON. +/- doesn't apply, however, on special teams.

Thanks. That was really driving me crazy... interesting stat, kinda weird to give everyone on the ice a '-', unless someone like Crosby burns the entire team lol.

First off I really like the concept, except for using the H instead of the W. I guess it just looks diffrent then what I'm used to. Secound, I really like the +/- statistic becasue it shows how well a player is playing his position and how much of a two way player he is. I remember when Rick Nash tied for the NHL league in goals he was also a -30 something. It doesn't help the team much if you score, if you also give up that many goals. It applies even more for defensemen I think.

Yeah, I like the concept too.

On the subject of +/-, it is easily the worst stat in hockey. Even if you are going for a line change, you still get a - if they score, whther you factored into the play or not. Jagr apologized to Shanny a few times last season when he would hop off late and Shanny wouldn't even be near the play yet and he'd get a -. Marek Malik had the best +/- in the NHL for a year or two, but anyone that watches him knows hes NOT a good defenseman, and that playing with Jagr's line gets him so many +'s.So yeah, overrated state, terrible stat.

Twitter: @peteeee

E-Mail: peteschwadel@gmail.com


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I like it, but I'm going to give you a piece of advice. Go into your program and whatever it is you created this with make it a greyscale image. Why? Because as soon as I looked at it I saw that your values are the same. It doesn't matter what colors you use if your values are the same, what would be a good or even dynamic piece becomes a C+ at best. Use a lighter value of the blue or the green, but make sure you keep that value away from the silver or you have the same problem. Your blue and your green wash each other out, in color and in black and white. If your logo/design looks good in black and white then it'll look good in color. Most people miss value and assume two different colors will work. It's not necessarily true.



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+/- is, IMO, one of the most overrated stats in any sport. You get a '+' if you're on the ice when your team scores. You get a '-' if you are on the ice when your team gets scored ON. +/- doesn't apply, however, on special teams.

Thanks. That was really driving me crazy... interesting stat, kinda weird to give everyone on the ice a '-', unless someone like Crosby burns the entire team lol.

First off I really like the concept, except for using the H instead of the W. I guess it just looks diffrent then what I'm used to. Secound, I really like the +/- statistic becasue it shows how well a player is playing his position and how much of a two way player he is. I remember when Rick Nash tied for the NHL league in goals he was also a -30 something. It doesn't help the team much if you score, if you also give up that many goals. It applies even more for defensemen I think.

I don't view that as true at all. If you're a good defensemen and you play the corners well, but your partner isn't strong in the front of the net and is constantly beat there, does that mean you're a bad defenseman? Not at all. Stats can't decide if a defenseman is good. Only people who know the game and watch it can decide how well a defenseman plays.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Pretty Friggin' sweet concept. 9.8/10 for ya!!! Nice work - I love the "H" whale tail !!!

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in regards to +/-, it is not a be-all-end-all stat, that you can look at and decide if a player is good or not.

but that doesn't make it a throw-away stat, either. the more broadly you look at the stat, the more useless it becomes... for instance, if you look at the +- of a 3rd liner in columbus and compare it to a 1st liner in pittsburgh, it's almost useless. the first line is going against checkers usually, and will thus score more than be scored on... and vice versa... however, if you're looking at 2 defensemen on the same team, in the same role, i don't think it's that awful of a stat. as long as you look at it with a bit of hockey knowledge, and understand the flaws of it, it can be a useful tool.

like i said, it's not a be-all-end-all, but it's definately not a throw away stat either. it all depends on how you use it.

and on to the main reason for the thread, the concept, it's not bad, but i feel it could be better by being less ambitious.

you started off on the wrong foot by changing one of the most clever logos in all of sports history, and making it generic. you took the famous W-tail, with hidden H, and turned it into a H-tail where everything meets the eye... you took away the cleverness from the negative-space H in the original classic logo.

also, aesthetically, it just doesn't look as nice. it's boxier and less attractive...

as for the uniform design, it's nothing special, but it's a lot better than a lot of the styles you see worn on the ice today... my only gripe with the actual sweater design is the colors... i feel the dark jerseys are too dark, and need some kind of white to balance out the dark green/dark blue/dark grey...

also, i would lighten either the blue or the green, to give it some kind of contrast. as it stands, the colors look muddy. it needs more pop, in both an infusion of white, and a bit of color difference...

overall, i like the intent, the effort, and the idea... but i think the execution needs to be worked on a little... i also think you should reconsider your logo switch.

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Overall, it's nice, good job.

However, you dare relegate the awesome whale fin / negative space H / W logo to alternate uniform status? For shame. It's one of the best logos ever!

And I used to play (amateur of course) hockey and we didn't have stats kept for +/- but I wish we did. I couldn't score to save my life, but even if my line hadn't scored but also hadn't given up a goal I knew that we held our own. I would joke that I was a +/- zero again. And if you're a 3rd liner that's good, as long as you win.

Sure, there are many instances where a + or - is awarded unfairly or fortuitously, but you can say the same thing about assists to a lesser extent. Over the course of a season +/- it's a good indicator of how well a line does, relative to the overall +/- of the team. And when the same player consistently puts up good +/- season after season, you know it can't be just luck.

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