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Hello everyone, great site, some amazing artists.

I have been away from this site and its boards for a while now, ever since the shakeup a few years ago. I hung around the Fanhome boards a bit, and I don't post often, but I have been so impressed with the creative vibe on this page, that I thought I would like to post a few things.

These are a few designs I made with Corel Draw over the past 5 years for my fantasy football league. I usually average about 40-50% original drawings and the rest copies or modifications of other logos. I figure I will just post the original ones so you can give me some feedback.

I am not a graphic designer by trade, just a guy who likes sports and was willing to plunk down some money for a design program (I use Corel Draw Essentials now). I assume that using Draw I am creating raster images, and they tend to come out iffier on the web when I convert them, so any hints about how to improve using Essentials would be great.

So, here are some older ones. I am currently working on a 16 team new-USFL or WFL style league, which I eventually hope to develop into a computer based league (totally controlled by me--megalomaniacal laughter here--and which might end up on the net.) These logos are from the league history website that my fantasy league (not just me, 12 guys) have.

Most of them are from designs from as early as 1987 and on the older version of Draw.

Kansas Twisters: http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Midfield/6804/kanlogo.jpg

Oakland Terrors: http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Midfield/6804/oaklogo.jpg and http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Midfield/6804/oaklogo2.jpg

Orlando Panthers: http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Midfield/6804/orllogo.jpg

San Antonio Express: http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Midfield/6804/sanlogo.jpg

These are the most/almost-completely original ones, the main website has the rest.   :D

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I assume that using Draw I am creating raster images, and they tend to come out iffier on the web when I convert them, so any hints about how to improve using Essentials would be great.

CorelDraw is a vector (lines) based program that will allow you to import and export raster (pixel) images.  if you're saving or exporting as *.jpg or *.gif, those are indeed raster files.  make it a reasonable web size (ie: not too big) at 72 ppi.  also use the RBG color gamut for onscreen display.  

looking forward to seeing your work here.

Carolina Dreamin'


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