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Texas Rangers Concept


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I'd give my comments on how to improve it, but the problem is and I've though about this for awhile, is how do you improve the Rangers? Seriously. You can't go back to the reds now that the Angels are red. Do you go back to the 80's/90's look? If so then why did you change originally? Their strongest look was the red look but they gave it up and the Angels wisely snapped it up. Do you change colors? If so what colors? Red white and blue scream Texas Rangers to me. So now what? Different shades? Different font? I'm not sure. It's a team in limbo with its identity.

Not to threadjack, but I've got an idea I've been working on for the Rangers, that has some similarities to this, but one of the biggest things is the new color scheme. Give me a couple of days and I think it will be something completely different.

To Jake: you have to have a certain number of posts before you can start a topic. Just reply to a few, get used to the place, and then you'll be able to post.

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and when i do that it gives me an error message that says that i cant do that

That's because you were previewing. Now that you have 2 posts, you are a member. Now you can start topics.

Two tips though:

1. There is no need to type in arial black.

2. Make sure the design you want to post is good. Maybe spend a little time lurking and seeing what other people do before just throwing something out there. We have a pretty high standard here; many times first posters are torn apart. Unless, of course, you think it's really good.

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Update posted.

-Font changed

-Arched front wordmark

-Stars added as decor around the front wordmark

-Switch the sliver and blue around so that the drop shadows are silver, not blue

-No blue caps

-BP/ST added

-No sleeveless jersey(s)

-More blue (accent)

-also redid the serifed "T" a little to make it more proportional



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I like the update in theory.... but man, the look reminds me way too much of the Angels.

I was worrying about that while I was making it.

I was actually gonna go with the Angels' style piping around the neck, then I realized they'd be wayy too similar.

I also added the stars, and more blue to kinda set them apart from the Angels.



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Well they stole the look wholesale from the Rangers, so I can understand the direction.

I really do like the stars on the alt cap too, even if it's kind of Phillies-ish.

My only geniune design gripe would be the beveling of the T in the logo isn't matched anywhere else in the look, and at least to me, is unnecessary. I'd rather see the star beveled with a straight T over it than the T beveled.

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I do like the beveled star with the normal T better. It flows better with the rest of the uniforms. Perhaps the cap logo could even become The Star with the T over it? that'd be somewhat unique.

The stars on either side of the workmark are an interesting idea, but right now they need something else, maybe blue trim, i don't know. But right now they look almost shadowy or unfinished, like you aren't sure if they're supposed to be there.

great changes though overall. keep it up.

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I do like the beveled star with the normal T better. It flows better with the rest of the uniforms. Perhaps the cap logo could even become The Star with the T over it? that'd be somewhat unique.

The stars on either side of the workmark are an interesting idea, but right now they need something else, maybe blue trim, i don't know. But right now they look almost shadowy or unfinished, like you aren't sure if they're supposed to be there.

great changes though overall. keep it up.

I thought about the Star behind the T but I figured it'd be way to much like their inner-state rivals' old caps (Astros).

Anyone else think that's worth trying? If so I'll try it.

And now I see what you mean when it comes to the stars around the wordmark.



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That is an improvement.

One suggestion.

Make the stars on the circle white where they appear to be cut out, like they were branded, rather than repeating 3 beveled stars.

Alright I'm working on a new update, I'll make sure I incorporate that idea.



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Not bad at all actually. I really like the look of the wordmarks on the jerseys, font, shadows, and all. It seems to pop to me. Regarding the primary, it is a good start but I think could still be a bit better. The two small stars on the sides are redundant and somehow make the rest of that red circle look like it needs something more. To be honest, I would make the red circle thicker, and lose the two stars. I think that would give a strong iconic look. Just thoughts.


edit: I wasn't going to comment on the stars on the jersey fronts, but in looking more I thought maybe I should. Depending on how these jerseys would actually fit on a player, the stars might resemble...shall we say, tassles? Your call, but you might want to think about it.

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Just an idea here, because I think you're onto something... how about this to get rid of any ideas of two stars for the lone star state, or the tassles thing(which I didn't notice before but totally see now).


I know it's not the same font you used, but more the general idea.

I really like that idea. I was thinking of doing something like that, but couldn't figure out how to execute it.

But thanks to your wonderful illustration, I shall try that on my next update.

Thanks for your help!



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