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Random logo time.


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No particulars about the logo.. no particular sport, or whatever... guess it's like an inkblot.. it is what you want it to be... This is what happens when you can't sleep and it's 2am...


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I dig it.. no particular shape, but ver menacing, great color combo... my only improvement would be to see if you could get a more legible font. Overall, I really like it! really nice job, JQK.

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"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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If the Sacramento Monarchs ever relocate to Massachussetts, they've got a ready-made logo.  And I agree that the background is rather cape-like, which in the context it's being used is a good thing.  The font also exudes the appropriate level of spookiness.
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You know what..... damn, i just saw it does look like the Mystics....

Oh well.... It wasn't ment as a WNBA logo anyways, but.... meh... it was 2am...

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