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New York Knicks Logo Concept


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Oh no, I didn't want to take it to use. I was just curious to see what it might look like with some blue on it. You did a nice job with it.

I know you didn't want the actual design, I just wanted to give credit to TheAK47 cuz we kinda worked together on it. About the blue though, I will put it in and see how that looks. Thanks again.

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Well here is what I came up with, it is a kinda different take on your original concept sketch. Keep in mind that I'm really new to this, but I like what I came up with and I hope you do too.


That looks great! I like the font you used too. Which one is that?

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I was going to suggest possibly making the apple a silhouette and inserting the basketball lines, make it knick blue or black or whatever, white maybe. Or possible make half a basketball and half an apple, type thing.

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That looks great! I like the font you used too. Which one is that?

Its called 'Air Millhouse Italic', its actually the Mountain Dew font, but in all caps. And I didn't use an 'M' or a 'D' so it isn't as recognizable as it would otherwise be.

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Wow I really like all of these, I appreciate all the help, hopefully soon I can figure out Photoshop and be able to do stuff at your guy's level.

StuckeyDuck, that is a really cool take on it. Definitely a cool font.

As for the WTC towers I don't feel that it is disrespectful to use them as even though they were destroyed they are still a very important part of New York. A cool thought would be putting the proposed design for the memorial there as that might be a little more acceptable, although like I said I don't think the use of the towers is that big of a deal.

I just wanted to thank StuckeyDuck and jayjackson3 for all their work and help with this concept so far, both of your takes are very impressive and you guys are great designers, hopefully someday I can design on your level!


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I like JayJackson's. Is there a way to put some blue in there?

Thanks, but the design belongs to TheAK47, last night I was showing him the different steps I took based on his drawing. He liked it and that is why I posted it here, so everyone can see what he was trying to do. About the towers, I guess it depends on how you look at it. I was in the Marines for 6 years, and would not dare disrespect the memory of those lost in that tragedy. Look at it as a tribute. Simple as that.

Oh and thanks for serving for us jayjackson3, we really appreciate it!

I hope to serve in the military once I am old enough.


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It is not a bad design. this is kind of a hard team to re design. But I think it kind of looks like a school logo, for some elementary school in downtown NYC. I suggest just updating a little on the one they have now. I'll try and come up with something to show you what I mean.

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Well here is what I came up with, it is a kinda different take on your original concept sketch. Keep in mind that I'm really new to this, but I like what I came up with and I hope you do too.


This looks alright, but I think you should-

-Simplify the skyline, no windows.

-Not use the Mountain Dew font, try something simpler.

That would definitely clean things up and make it look much better.

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As for the WTC towers I don't feel that it is disrespectful to use them as even though they were destroyed they are still a very important part of New York. A cool thought would be putting the proposed design for the memorial there as that might be a little more acceptable, although like I said I don't think the use of the towers is that big of a deal.




Back to your design, I think making the middle building tallest helps, although it could be taller still. Regarding the appropriateness of the WTC, I think I have a possible solution. Why not consider depicting the new Freedom Tower and possibly a couple of the other upcoming WTC buildings instead?



As far as I know, nobody I know has proposed a logo featuring these new landmarks yet, so it might be a nice opportunity.


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As for the WTC towers I don't feel that it is disrespectful to use them as even though they were destroyed they are still a very important part of New York. A cool thought would be putting the proposed design for the memorial there as that might be a little more acceptable, although like I said I don't think the use of the towers is that big of a deal.




Back to your design, I think making the middle building tallest helps, although it could be taller still. Regarding the appropriateness of the WTC, I think I have a possible solution. Why not consider depicting the new Freedom Tower and possibly a couple of the other upcoming WTC buildings instead?



As far as I know, nobody I know has proposed a logo featuring these new landmarks yet, so it might be a nice opportunity.


That is a great idea.

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Tough task you've undertaken dude. Not that the Knicks current logo is so untouchable, but just... you know... how do you do something Knickerbocker-esque without replicating the words-on-ball look or bringing back Father Knickerbocker (which someone really needs to modernize, it would be wild to see that).

The idea is interesting, but ultimately it fails. Not in how you've done it... I think it would fail regardless of the designer, tools, etc. The apple is just a cheesy symbol for NYC that should be left out of the sports domain, outside of the Shea Stadium apple (RIP... soon). Including the apple, especially as the primary element of the logo, just makes it look like a school logo or a promotional logo tacked on the sides of elementary school milk cartons.

The use of the skyline I think is where your best bet is at. Maybe not the entire skyline, perhaps focusing on certain elements of it (not to hijack but I once did a tertiary concept using the Chrysler building, for example). There's a wealth of fantastic structures that can be used, and since you're intent on keeping the WTC, then that's an additional two right there. If you do that, windows may be included, but I'd keep them simple - you're not going for a photo-realistic look.

"The true New Yorker secretly believes that anyone living anywhere else has got to be, in some sense, kidding."

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As for the WTC towers I don't feel that it is disrespectful to use them as even though they were destroyed they are still a very important part of New York. A cool thought would be putting the proposed design for the memorial there as that might be a little more acceptable, although like I said I don't think the use of the towers is that big of a deal.




Back to your design, I think making the middle building tallest helps, although it could be taller still. Regarding the appropriateness of the WTC, I think I have a possible solution. Why not consider depicting the new Freedom Tower and possibly a couple of the other upcoming WTC buildings instead?



As far as I know, nobody I know has proposed a logo featuring these new landmarks yet, so it might be a nice opportunity.


Thats what I said.

Also I am not redesigning the actual Knicks logo guys, its for a sim league!


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