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Astros' Concept


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I would say that this would look better if you incorporated the 'A' into the star more. If instead of the narrow line through the middle, you continued the star from the bottom rght corner of the A to the left point of the star, I think it would look much less forced.

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I always thought that this would be a better concept for the Astros' logo, while keeping the star in it.

main and cap




The text in the wordmark, I couldn't think of a better fint to use, so I just used the font on the Astro's jerseys.

It kind of reminds me of Gene Autry's Flying 'A' Productions logo from his 1950s television series. Check it out on the Westerns Channel on cable TV.

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Copied artwork passing as one's own... hmm...

I swear I did not take some one elses's work. We might have both arrived at the same point, but I did this on mY own!

If you want better proof, look at mine closer, in mine, because I went over the angles with an eraser and pen functions, some of then bulge out just a bit more in some places. Also the Bridge on the A is smaller on mine.



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Yeah the bridge is smaller. And it's the problem with the design. The star has all these angles and then, boom, there is this thin, even fragile, horizontal line.

Perhaps if the bridge where at an angle. Something like this:


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