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Sather Saboutaging Rangers?


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I have no idea or oppinion on this, but I found this on another board. Very interesting.

Originally posted by Bill The Cat


Very strange day in NYR land. Some extremist are claiming that Glen only took the job with the NYR to screw them, because he was jealous of their Cup win in 94 with most of his players.

Wait it goes deeper.

Now most knows Glens statement of if I had their payroll I would never lose quote.

It appears to some that not only is he trying to ruin the NYR, but going out of his way to ensure the Cup goes home to Canada.

1. He traded away 3 players under 26 for a timebomb in Lindros, made his contract with ill-advisded games played bonuses.

2.He completely ingored the 2 viable coahing options, choosing to bring in one of the NYR most hated nemisis Trootie with no HC exp.

3. He signed Holik to a untrable ridiculous contract with the CBA looming.

4. He has gone out of his way to help the Oilers taking Tom Poti for Mike York a type player this team sorely needed.

5. His recent trades to only Canadian teams, more proof that he wants more than anything else for the Cup to go back to Canada.

I didn't make this up, I heard it on the Radio and read some on other NYR sites.


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I think their is load of evidence that Sather has been out the sbaotoge the Rangers since getting there.

Here is more proof

I understand the players he got for Leetch dont really want to play in NHL and will likely remain in Europe for their entire career.

His coaching hires have been a joke from day 1.

He should have rebuilt from day in instead he depleted the farm system and never gave any rookies a fair shot.

Had a chance to hire Ken Hitchock chose Bryan Trottier, an ex-Islander who was despised by Rangers fans from the beginning.

Goalie Dan Blackburn who showed promise at the age of 18, career is all but ruined.

Also while in Edmonton Staher constently complained how unfair teh Rangers payroll was, so he did have ill feelings toward the 1994 team, which had several former Oilers.

These are the reasons I dropped them and became a Devils fan the Jagr trade was the last straw for me, and as long as Sather is there ruining the Rangers I could careless what they do.

If their owner cares he will fire Sather now, and if Sather was not out to sabatoge the Rangers he would do the right thing and resign.

As far as the Rangers fans are concerned I can also tell you this Sather is satan and will always be now, he may be the most dispised figure in that franchise history.

Recently he blasted Rangers fnas and the NY media on a Vancouver Radio station, he has the right to say what he wants but its cowardly to do it in Vancouver. He thinks he is god gift to hockey when the only reason he is in the HHOF is becuase he coached the greates team ever I could have coached the Oilers and won the Cup.

Bottom line if you have an open mind their is quite allot of evidence this could be sabatoge it is not implausable.



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interesting...in an odd way, it could explain why he never was able to make a winner...and some of those deals he made and money he threw around...man, if they could prove he did that he's in for a world of trouble...and so are the Canadian teams in the eyes of many US fans...

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You know just the fact you can think its possible reflects badly on him, if ever it could be proven he has to be removed from the Hall of Fame and never allowed to run a team again.



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Proof that a lot (NOT ALL) of New York-area sports fans need a life.....

It's a sports team, not some blatant conspiracy. All you have to blame are yourselves for this: NEW YORK TEAMS CAN'T REBUILD! All a team would do is get slammed on (BTW, the stupidist thing in the world, but that's another story) Talk Radio. Everybody can't wait for 3 years. It's the impatient, unknowledgable, no-life New York Sports fans that keep your teams from building a powerhouse. You have to win-win-win all the time, and even when that happens, you whine-whine-whine about how Jeter needed more time. It's utterly pathetic.

All they do is drive themselves crazy over mad trades, but what would happen to them if they were Montreal fans in the mid-1990's? Rejan Houle was 10 times worse then Sather, and Sather actually brought in decent players. They would go insane and be in the asylum if they were a Habs fan. IT HAPPENS TO EVERY TEAM. LIFE GOES ON.

Most(I repeat: NOT ALL) NY sports fans need to build a bridge and GET OVER IT. Winning's a good thing, it's not a frekin' birthright.

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Well thats pure grade 100% quality bullplop.

Rangers fans were full ready to rebuild back in 1999 after Gretzky retired. Its the 7 years of wated free agent spending on over the hill players that has us angry. If teh Rangers did the right thing back then nobody would have any problems now, and they would have been a contender by now.

New York fans want honesty and if the team came out in 1999 and said we need to rebuild nobody would have any problems, becuase we undertsand that needs to be done. But when you repeartidly go after players like Lindrot and still fail then yeah we are going to be angry.



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The thing is though, the damage was done to the Rangers and the NHL several years before this. Signing average players to multi-million dollar deals which causes super stars to demand more and to create an already high market for players into a higher one.

I agree there might be something going on with the trades. I would've though he could've gotten more for Leetch and Kovalev. Big question is: would he trade Messier and to where?

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At this stage of Mark's career, I don't think you'd ge tmuch more for him than you have for anyone else. I mean, he's 43, he is having a great season, but he doesn't have much milage left, I can't see him leaving.

and yes, of all the teams in the NHL, the Rangers are public enemy number 1 on raising player saleries to ridiculous new highs...and in the end, that money hasn't paid the dividends that it shoud have.

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This is for Messier I think he wants to finish out the year and retire with the Rangers and he should, unlerss he really wants a carck at the playoffs then they should trade him, but they wont get squat for him.



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Well, the one they pulled off todays was fairly even, McLennan is a decent Goalie, and young, something that they need,plus some picks for Chris Simon. This one looks alot better than some of the others that have transpired lately

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I think todays deal was a good one Simon dose not want to drop the gloves any more and unless he does he is worthless, I guess he became a whimp when he cut his hair.

While MCLenand is a decent goalie who may even be better then Dungham



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