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Toronto Blue Jays Concept


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Alright, so after I was working on a Blue Jays jersey in my BP series, I realized just how badly Toronto needed a solid identity. They are currently in a bad position with their black and random shades of gray in unis. The one major thing that bothers me is that their jerseys contain only a small amount of blue when they are the Blue Jays. So that being said I wanted to tweak their logos (because I don't really have a problem with those, just the colors). Enter powder blue. Yes the powder blue from back in the days when the Jays were in their hay day. I know how much some people on here love that look, and I hope I executed these pretty well. It is very rough and I hope to get a lot of C&C to help make this better.

On the primary, my only major problem was the two shades of gray that they use, which makes it to be very cluttered. I tried to clean it up a little. On the cap logo, I got rid of the jay, and just went with the blue jay head. The short-lived Toronto script also makes a comeback here, because I think it works pretty well. Here is the first draft of my logo sheet.


On the homes, these are pretty much inspired by the old ones again. I used the same sleeve design and the blue and white hat. On the "Jays" script I got rid of the jay head because it is already on the hat, and I feel that it make it too cluttered.


For the roadies, I wanted to make these just a little different from the past. The older jerseys were more dominated by the darker blue color and hardly featured any powder blue, so I included that a little more. Was that a good decision? I'll need a few opinions to figure out what to do.


Thanks for viewing, I put a lot of effort into these and I hope that they turned out good. I am currently working on some alternates and a BP jersey.



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Sorry to say man but this is not the way to go if your looking for a solid identity. The wordmarks and numbers would be impossible to read from far away. The power blue isnt working with this set.


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Yeah, sorry, I'm glad to see the effort, but I agree with Linus. Light blue works best when surrounded by an outline of navy or black or something dark. The way you did the wordmarks, there just isn't any definition and it's hard to see. The cap logo just doesn't look right. Maybe one problem is that it is not what a blue jay looks like at all. Now, I know lions aren't blue and it still works, but this really doesn't. Finally it seems like that piping design has been done many times before for Toronto. Keep working at it though.

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Not bad...

But I find the bird logo a little too "complicated" to be using only 2 colours, it need an "accent colour".

And if You are to bring back powder blue: BRING IT BACK, I mean get rid of the grey uniform...

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

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Not too bad cab. But there is some room for impovement. On the logos, I agree with what everyone else said. They need more definition. Possibly another color. I think if you do that, then apply those changes to the unis, they will look great. I would also like to see a powder blue jersey at some point. Maybe if/when you do alts and/or bp's. Nice work so far. Keep at it!

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Okay, now I have some alternative color options. Personally I would love to go with A or D. What do you guys think? I have also made a decision that I will be using a powder blue home, but I'm not sure what to go with on the road.



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I think that I finally have found what I was looking for. Here is the new and improved logo sheet:


The home jersey is now all powder blue. No, I take that back, this is not monochrome; there are white pants. I know homes are essentially white, but with this concept I think it works.


For the road, I went in a completely different direction. In my mind, the MLB should have colored home and away and that is sorta what I went for with this one. I used the darker shade of blue with gray pants.


Okay, that's all folks. I hope that this gets a lot of positive comments. Oh, I almost forgot. The alternate would just be the retro jerseys that they wear now, so instead of making a jersey, I'll post the link to Chris's site- home alternate. Yes, I am making a BP and Canada Day jersey so stay tuned.


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I would go with D. Then A. Maybe you could combine aspects of A and D. The blue word and the powder blue Jay head might look good. Anyway, these are looking better. Nice job.

i think bmac is right. blue wording and the powder blue jay would be perfect. your update is much better than the original


"That ball has a hit in it, so I want it to get back in the ball bag and goof around with the other balls in there. Maybe it'll learn some sense and come out as a pop-up next time," Mark "The Bird" Fidrych

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I think you have them in the wrong order. The powder blue should be the road set, because they were originally the road set. Whites at home with the royal blue as the alt.

Yeah, I know that the powder blue used to be the roads, but I thought that since this is the present day and that was the 80's then this would work out okay. Any other thoughts on these?


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