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Tiger logo


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Here is version 3


Now it just looks like a tweaked Bengals logo, I know you said you used it as a reference but there's hardly any difference and it looks like a sloppy-er version of it.

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How can i fix the pixels

Okay i've never used Inkscape, always been a Freehand and more recently Illustrator user myself but looking at the first one you did and even going by the Bengals redo you did it looks pretty clear to me that Inkscape has some kind of auto trace function like live trace in Illustrator, yeah? You've started with a scan of a sketch or a jpeg image and used the trace function and that's why the pixels are appearing. Would that be an accurate assumption?

There's nothing wrong with that but can i suggest a trick someone gave me when i was first starting out using Freehand years ago, dont use the auto trace function (then it was a separate program called streamline) but rather import any logo you like and use the native drawing tools, the pen or whatever they call it in Inkscape and redraw the shapes from scratch using your image as a template to work over the top of.

It'll take you longer (much longer) but you'll learn more about how to create clean flowing lines and shapes by drawing them yourself than by cleaning up something that's been auto-generated for you. The more you work with bezier curves the more proficient you'll become and sooner or later you'll be able to look at a shape and know instinctively where to place the anchor points. You wont develop that skill as quickly if you just clean up what the program does for you, so take the time to learn how to draw your own shapes now and in the long run you'll be able to produce your ideas faster and cleaner and you'll never have to worry about pixels again.


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