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Chicago White Sox concept


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Hey, guys. Shockingly, this concept has nothing to do with college baseball. Whoo!!!

It does have baseball involved, though. I introduce the Chicago White Sox...


I went a little bit different. Nothing ground-breaking, but I like the changes I made. First off, you can see a new secondary logo I made. Rather than a baseball diamond I went with circle logo with intentions of looking a bit better on the sleeves. The four stars in the logo come from the four stars in the city's flag. They also hint at the three bases and home plate. I wanted something a bit more dynamic here than the baseball diamond with a simple sock, and I think I accomplished that.

Now for the scripts, I went a bit older-school with the road script. I think this one matches better and creates a bit more of a distinctive look for the Sox...


I didn't change too, too much with the uniforms. There is enough different, however, that it looks a bit nicer. My new secondary logo is on the sleeve of all three uniforms. I also changed the number font to match the new (old) script. That's all for the actual uniforms...

However, I'm also introducing a new name for my design firm (which has actually gotten some business of late; t-shirts only, though). The name "E-licious Designs" covers two bases. First off, the separated E implies that I also do web-design, not just graphics. Two, the bite out of the E shows that these are designs you can "sink your teeth into".

I would really, really appreciate your thoughts on all these. Thanks!


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The number font does not pair well with the SOX logo, and I don't think it's a good idea to have two competing differently designed elements on the same part of the jersey. Their current block number is perfect because it serves a purpose (identification) but is not "interesting", so the eye focuses on the logo.

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What BBTV said is true. The road looks great. I like what you did with that script. On the secondary logo, perhaps it would look better with "Chicago White Sox" on the circle rather than all four stars? It's not bad as it is, but I'm currious to see what it would look liek with the words and a star between each. Anyway, great concept.

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I love the new script, I have always liked the "old style" for the White Sox. But like it was stated before, I think you need a new number font on the home uni. It works well on the road, but it kinda clashes with the Sox logo. The sleeve patch is an upgrade, though; nice job.


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Nice. Something about that number font with the white outline, I don't know, I really like it, it just looks really classy. Honestly, I feel like the gray is unnecessary. It just blurs the primary logo, and the patch logo would look fine (if not better) without the gray. The jerseys are really nice, like I said I love the numbers, but I would prefer to see a black jersey than a sleeveless.

Edit: I like you design firm name but I think you can do more with the logo. Make the bite mark motif a little more obvious.

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Well done. It reminds me of the Reds most recent update. On the secondary, maybe make the ball silver so the sock stands out more. Also, the seems should be going in opposite directions. Presentation wise, I would have liked to see the Sox logo vectorized like the secondary and wordmark. As an idea, what about silver pinstripes on the vest instead of black? Mix it up a little. Still, nitpicks aside, good job.

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