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2009 NFL Season Thread


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I have a feeling Raheem Morris will follow the same road Cam Cameron did in Miami, except I still think Cameron is gonna end up with the same amount or, gulp, more wins than Raheem will. No way this hack is gonna last, he hasn't done a SINGLE thing right since he took over.

And for those who say "At least we're not as bad as the Browns." That may be true, but we're pretty damn close and have a much harder schedule.

It always seemed a bit odd when Josh McDaniels was getting a hammering from everyone for TRADING away a QB with some personality issues for a decent enough QB and draft picks, that Morris didn't get the same level of criticism for his cull of the Bucs defense, and then drafting a QB in the first round (who started the year as 3rd string). Morris seems to have done little to get the chance and less to impress in the job. I would imagine he would get a decent run at the job (at least 1 more year) but I do wonder how safe his job will be on the back of a 2-14 year or a 1-15 year.

You may want to dig a little deeper back through the '09 offseason thread. It wasn't as prevalent, but best believe I and others in Buc nation up in here spent many a keystroke vilifying that knucklehead. And it started by basically blowing up the core of the team's veteran leadership. Only got worse by acquiring random parts (K2, Derrick Ward), that I have yet to see fit together in any kind of whole. By bringing in a D-coordinator who's trying to entirely change the defense. By firing the OC in the preseason; meanwhile, the O has no identity to speak of. Hell, the team ain't got no identity to speak of.

My whole problem with Raheem was that a/ he promoted twice in the same offseason, and b/ as soon as he got that top spot, he started power-trippin' like hell, casting off any and everyone who might have second-guessed the man and spoke on it, including the team leader(s), save for R. Barber. Now the dude looks completely clueless.

I still have some hope this guy might eventually figure something out, but I don't see that happening this year. In fact, if they don't win this game against the Deadskins this Sunday, I don't see them winning a game all season.

I was talking more about the media than the fans. The big problem I would have is that a team that won the Superbowl not so very long ago is really beyond even a couple of good drafts away from being good again. It really looks like the bad old days could be back in Tampa Bay if the management aren't careful.

I got you now.

The answer to your original question, as to why McDaniels got so much pub and not Morris, via the media, might have a little do with having replaced Mike Shanahan, but even more so, it might be simply this: he came from the New England Patriots. And you know how the media (particularly the worldwide leader) loves, reveres, and exalts them.

As far as Raheem...no one saw the Buccaneers doing anything this year anyway--blown up team or not--so it wouldn't have generated anywhere near the buzz as the former Patriot boy.

That's my guess, anyway.

I think the media attention came from the fact that Jay Cutler made such a big deal about it. He was crying about it to the media, so it became a big story (I do think he was somewhat right, but went about it the wrong way). Also QBs are poster boys for the league, alot of times they are the face of the team. Your alot more likely to get bashed for getting rid of a QB, than just about any other posistion. I know here in Baltimore the loss of Trent Dilfer was much bigger with the fans than anyone who every left the defense (and we lost some great guys on defense).

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But the Bucs were decimated this off season, and fair enough Morris got a little heat for it, or at least the Bucs did, but the Broncos swapped a QB for a QB who'd won more games in 08 than Cutler did, and draft picks. I don't think that the Broncos did all that bad in the off season really. I guess some of the fuss was that it rumbled on for what seemed like forever, but in the end, I don't think it was terrible business. And if it did go belly up, then the Broncos would have had 2 first round picks in a strong draft class. To my mind thats a fairly decent piece of business.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black coach do well. They're interested in black coaches and black quarterbacks doing well ... Morris is not getting a lot of the blame for the performance of the team that he really deserves.


On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Ha ha maybe thats it. Maybe the media don't want to be seen to be laying into a failing black coach!! Especially one with 3 black QBs!! Who knows??

I was trying to think of black coaches who have failed in the NFL. Its not that long a list really. You could make a claim that Ray Rhodes didn't do well, Art Shell's second stop in Oakland didn't set anything alight really, and Dennis Green had a bad time in Arizona, Romeo Crenell in Cleveland as well. But balance that against Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith and Mike Tomlin for instance. What about Marvin Lewis? Good coach at badly run franchise or coach that can't make one of the best QBs in the league win??


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Nobody is shocked the Bucs situation they tore the team down after last season and left nothing on the field, look at all the players they released. The Buccaneers are rebuilding and giving Morris a chance to grow with the team, iof in 3-4 years they are not improved I am sure he will get some blame, but he can not be expected to do anything with this team, that is basically an expansion team.



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Nobody is shocked the Bucs situation they tore the team down after last season and left nothing on the field, look at all the players they released. The Buccaneers are rebuilding and giving Morris a chance to grow with the team, iof in 3-4 years they are not improved I am sure he will get some blame, but he can not be expected to do anything with this team, that is basically an expansion team.

Morris' problem is that the team is coming off a reasonably succesful period. Bucs fans are used to a good level of performance. Morris is also not helped by an absolute lack of experience. It makes it easy for criticism to be fired at him. It does depend on how patient the Bucs management are. Can they cope with say 2-14 followed by 4-12 and still be patient with Morris?


2011/12 WFL Champions

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If they look realistically at their team, yeah they need to be patient. The Buccaneers seem to have a plan in place and its rebuiliding to fire a 33-year old coach you hand picked to replace Jon Gruden, means you have to be patient.

Its not like Morris is Mangini in Cleveland with a Browns team that lacks direction and is about to implode.



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Ha ha maybe thats it. Maybe the media don't want to be seen to be laying into a failing black coach!! Especially one with 3 black QBs!! Who knows??

I was trying to think of black coaches who have failed in the NFL. Its not that long a list really. You could make a claim that Ray Rhodes didn't do well, Art Shell's second stop in Oakland didn't set anything alight really, and Dennis Green had a bad time in Arizona, Romeo Crenell in Cleveland as well. But balance that against Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith and Mike Tomlin for instance. What about Marvin Lewis? Good coach at badly run franchise or coach that can't make one of the best QBs in the league win??

All them names and no mention of Herman Edwards...tsk tsk tsk ;)

I wasn't all up in to Ray Rays' biz in Philly to know how he was doing back in those days. NO ONE is going to succeed in Oakland as long as Senile Al is still breathing air. Denny Green? Ehh...really can't say nothing about that one except that I guess he was who we thought he was. I don't think Crennel really had the tools or conidence to get anything done in Cleveland.

Now, as far as Tony Dungy is concerned, he brought an entirely new defensive make-up with him to Tampa, so, in essence, he built the success of the Buccaneers (since it was by and large due to the defense dominance) through the late '90s and early '00s. Only problem was, the O never caught up to the same level as the D. But ain't no questioning, in my mind, that the Bucs' post-Creamsicle success could be directly attributed to him. It's really not much of a stretch, then, that Lovie and Tomlin came out of there to do rather well in their respective locations. And let's not forget, Herm started off pretty good in NY with the Jets (though I don't know what happened to him after that and especially when he got to KC). Tomlin, in particular, really came into a great situation where all he rally had to do was maintain, not so much retool or rebuild. One other interesting thing about this: Dungy, as most of us know, is a deeply spiritual (or religious, whichever you prefer) man. One of his main things down in Tampa was developing that deep-rooted sense of spirituality in his assistant coaches, especially those of color. He sought to be that role model for the young men on his staff to look up to, outside of football. So it's no surprise, then, that they all carry that attribute with them--even Herm, outspoken as he can be.

Also, interesting quip about the Bucs having three black QB's...I didn't even realize that until right now. Makes the Bucs the second team in Florida to have pulled that off--and somehow, Byron Leftwich has managed to be a part of (and the starter in) both occurrences. Before this, it was Leftwich, David Garrard and Quinn Gray (who I believe is now in Indy) in Jacksonville. Coincidence, much? ;)

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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If they look realistically at their team, yeah they need to be patient. The Buccaneers seem to have a plan in place and its rebuiliding to fire a 33-year old coach you hand picked to replace Jon Gruden, means you have to be patient.

Its not like Morris is Mangini in Cleveland with a Browns team that lacks direction and is about to implode.

Morris was hand-picked...to be Monte Kiffin's successor as D-coordinator. Once Gruden got canned, that pretty much catapulted him to the top spot. Buc brass made it known they wanted to promote within, so he pretty much got that job by default. I don't agree with how he blew :censored: up to start off, but we'll see what he's capable of. I'm not jumping ship.

And...since you mentioned the Browns, Mandoofus has now designated Derek Anderson the starter...something I felt should have happened before the season started. But oh well.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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If they look realistically at their team, yeah they need to be patient. The Buccaneers seem to have a plan in place and its rebuiliding to fire a 33-year old coach you hand picked to replace Jon Gruden, means you have to be patient.

Its not like Morris is Mangini in Cleveland with a Browns team that lacks direction and is about to implode.

I would indeed suggest that the Bucs lack direction. They completely gutted there defense and spent there high draft picks on offense, had a decent enough veteran QB in Garcia, who would have been a good mentor for Freeman, and booted him out. They fired chucky late, and were left with little decision but to go to an internal candidate. They've promoted a coach with precisely 1 year of NFL experience, and no head coaching experience, to be Head Coach. Is that a team with direction??


2011/12 WFL Champions

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It always seemed a bit odd when Josh McDaniels was getting a hammering from everyone for TRADING away a QB with some personality issues for a decent enough QB and draft picks

McDaniels got hammered because he wanted to dump Jay Cutler for MATT CASSEL. Have you seen Cassel so far this year? Good thing Kyle Orton came to town and rammed a horseshoe up the Broncos' ass. They could've been stuck with Matt freaking Cassel.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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It may not be the right direction, but you can not fire Morris after just one year with these circumstances.

Can you not fire a guy if they go 0-16 or 1-15 though??

McDaniels got hammered because he wanted to dump Jay Cutler for MATT CASSEL. Have you seen Cassel so far this year? Good thing Kyle Orton came to town and rammed a horseshoe up the Broncos' ass. They could've been stuck with Matt freaking Cassel.

I am not saying McDaniels handled the whole Cutler thing well, but it worked out ok. Remember a lot of people (well some!)on this very board had the Broncos in the bottom few of there pre season Power Rankings. And as I say, if the trade had gone badly, a good draft pick this year is not a bad thing to get! Also don't forget that Cassel and McDaniels had worked well in New England, so that may have been a better fit for Cassel.

Don't forget McDaniel has a fantastic reputation for getting the best out of his QBs. (Brady and Cassel!)


2011/12 WFL Champions

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It may not be the right direction, but you can not fire Morris after just one year with these circumstances.

Tank, your Dolphins canned Cam Cameron after one 1-15 season and I don't recall you being unhappy with that move -- so why can't the Bucs fire Morris if he does the same?


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If they look realistically at their team, yeah they need to be patient. The Buccaneers seem to have a plan in place and its rebuiliding to fire a 33-year old coach you hand picked to replace Jon Gruden, means you have to be patient.

Its not like Morris is Mangini in Cleveland with a Browns team that lacks direction and is about to implode.

Morris was hand-picked...to be Monte Kiffin's successor as D-coordinator. Once Gruden got canned, that pretty much catapulted him to the top spot. Buc brass made it known they wanted to promote within, so he pretty much got that job by default. I don't agree with how he blew :censored: up to start off, but we'll see what he's capable of. I'm not jumping ship.

And...since you mentioned the Browns, Mandoofus has now designated Derek Anderson the starter...something I felt should have happened before the season started. But oh well.

Speaking of Mangini, why do the Browns continue to hire Bill Belichick's assistant coaches? The didn't even like Bill Belichick when Bill Belichick was actually their coach, why do they want his underlings?


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If they look realistically at their team, yeah they need to be patient. The Buccaneers seem to have a plan in place and its rebuiliding to fire a 33-year old coach you hand picked to replace Jon Gruden, means you have to be patient.

Its not like Morris is Mangini in Cleveland with a Browns team that lacks direction and is about to implode.

Morris was hand-picked...to be Monte Kiffin's successor as D-coordinator. Once Gruden got canned, that pretty much catapulted him to the top spot. Buc brass made it known they wanted to promote within, so he pretty much got that job by default. I don't agree with how he blew :censored: up to start off, but we'll see what he's capable of. I'm not jumping ship.

And...since you mentioned the Browns, Mandoofus has now designated Derek Anderson the starter...something I felt should have happened before the season started. But oh well.

Speaking of Mangini, why do the Browns continue to hire Bill Belichick's assistant coaches? The didn't even like Bill Belichick when Bill Belichick was actually their coach, why do they want his underlings?

I have to say the Mangini appointment was a touch eccentric! He'd not done a great job in New York, and the Jets always had a more talented roster than the Browns have. The Browns would win my prize for the worst run team in the NFL.

***Conspiracy theory alert****

Any chance that maybe Morris is a place holder for a big name coach who is currently not in a job, but didn't want to coach in '09? A Shanahan or a Cowher maybe??


2011/12 WFL Champions

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I'm not sure how, but the Patriots are now 3-1.

And unless something happens quickly, the Bengals (who beat the defending champs last week) and winless Browns are gonna finish in a tie.


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After McNabb's gaffe last year, I think EVERYONE knows an NFL game can end in a tie.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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