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Hockey East-Redesign/Edification (USCHO redesign Pt. 2)


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Alright, I've had some time here now that finals are over so I've started the concepts back up. I'm still working on the WCHA redesign (Minnesota) but I can't seem to get it to work just yet. In lieu of letting the idea completely die until I get around to figuring something out for Minnesota I've begun the Hockey East redesign.

Feel free to look at the WCHA topic and add some C&C there. I hope to continue making improvements.

I've started and nearly completely a few teams and hope to get them up in a pretty regular fashion. I decided to start with Boston College, really get things flowing with a big name in college hockey.

The home and away are not very far from what they wear now, as it is a very good look. The secondary logos on the shoulders are modified versions of BC's current secondary logo, only they have been re-colored to exclude black.



I was going to attempt something way 'out there' for the alternate jersey, something modern and Edge-y. While looking for inspiration from past BC uni's I noticed that they did not have much in terms of classic jerseys, what they wear now is pretty classic. Upon finding this I decided to try a pseudo-throwback. I darkened and muted the colors, and used the Tuscan font that the Boston Red Sox use (I thought it would make a good fit).

The logo I used for the crest is a modified logo that BC once used. I couldn't find any evidence of them ever using it on the ice, but I like the logo. You can see the progression of the design below.


I wanted to piece together a jersey that would compliment this logo well. I used the Tuscan font for the nameplate and numbers, and added a BC mark using the Tuscan as well. To make this something a bit more than just a 'throwback' I also added the BC motto to the sleeves. I was going to use the English translation (Ever to Excel), but the Greek seemed to fit well with the feeling that the eagle and the gold conveyed.

C&C is greatly appreciated, enjoy.


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Alright, thanks for the comments on BC, I'm still looking for more. Until then may I present the University of New Hampshire Wildcats.

The Wildcats don't have too much along the lines of tradition in their uniforms but I still wanted to go with a classic feel. The home and away feature a logo that I put together, using elements of their current set. The alternate still doesn't seem quite right to me, I can't pinpoint what I need to fix (hint, this is an opportunity for some awesome C&C). On the alt. I wanted to include the "On to Victory" because BC's motto seemed to go over pretty well. I also wanted to put UNH's full body wildcat logo front and center because I believe it is a beautiful logo. Without further ado, UNH. Next up will be Providence or Northeastern, both of their sets are nearly done.


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I would like a few more comments on UNH before I cook up any updates, until then I'll be moving on. I present the Northeastern University Huskies.

The home and away are very simple, as their current look works pretty well. I added an updated Husky logo to the shoulders. The original logo has a ridiculous looking rabid husky; a logo can be good without foaming at the mouth. I did add the Boston skyline used in Northeastern's most recent wordmark to the back of the home and away, I didn't want to leave anything too simple.

The alternate uses a full body husky, one of Northeastern's more recent logos as well, as the two-tone N is a bit boring. I used the husky/N logo to make a 'sash' of sorts instead of the N. Due to the 'sash' I only included a secondary logo on the right shoulder. I wasn't going to include it at all, but it looked pretty empty without it.

C&C please


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Also, if anyone wants to practice some action template work feel free to have at any of the WCHA/Hockey East redesigns. I'm still working on Paint/Paintbucket, I've been trying a few templates but nothing compares to some of the work I've seen on here. PM me if you're interested in working on some action template stuff.

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A couple of comments.

I second the notion of removing the front number on the UNH alt and centering the wildcat. I would also try to use the actual UNH numbers, which, I believe, are the same numbers that the Toronto Blue Jays use (or very similar)

On the Northeastern concept, The alt is perfect. Not a thing I'd change. The home/away jerseys, however, I would get rid of the "NORTHEASTERN" wordmark and just leave the N


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