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Ronin Logo


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Looks nice, but you might wanna give use some background info on what you were trying to accomplish here.

Need some work on the stroke. I see that the "R" and the 1st "N" have an issue on the sharp point at the top of the letter. Also, the weight of the stroke needs to be bumped up a bit in general, IMO. You could probably keep the black the size it is, but the grey needs to be thicker.

Definitely brighten it up a bit.

The "Charlotte" font isn't working for me either.

Really nice idea and look overall though. I also dig that name.




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The sword and the ball are very nicely rendered, but I think the text needs some work. The motion serifs on "Ronin" are, I think, a bit too big and create big chunks of white space between the letters that really detract from the overall effect.

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Hey man, I was gonna ask if you were gonna put this up. I knew you'd make good use of these forums!

I think I agree that the red might need to be a bit lighter, but the name is way better than the original. :)


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Looks nice, but you might wanna give use some background info on what you were trying to accomplish here.

Since MJ is the first player to become owner I figured this name was more appropriate. The reason being is a combination of the modern pop meaning and the traditional meanings of the word ronin. The modern meaning is like a "cowboy" and the traditional meaning is a masterless warrior. I figured it fit the situation.

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Made some changes. I like this char-let font more than the ole one. What do YOU think?

better but i still think the red need to be a little brighter and if your going to use 2 reds dont make them so close in color

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These are the colors I liked if u have any ideas "Kuler" em and post a link.



You should save your images in PNG format. It makes for a cleaner image.


"One of my concerns is shysters show up and take advantage of people's good will and generosity".

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These are the colors I liked if u have any ideas "Kuler" em and post a link.



You should save your images in PNG format. It makes for a cleaner image.

its png just lo-rez

no its not its jpeg

right click on the image and click properties and it clearly shows that its a jpeg

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I like the lighter coloured versions (red/orange and grey/yellow) as I like that I can see the whole image clearly. I'm losing the lines on the bottom half of the basketball with the darker ones.

Another option you could try is having the basketball lines white or another lighter colour to get a contrast against the dark. It might not look right but I'd try it out just to see.

At the moment I think my favourite is the yellow version.

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Okay a few things I'd do. First off I'd lose the "swoosh" lines from the blade, they just dont work. The fact they are black makes them feel solid, which is confusing as blurs aren't solid, and the have way to many keylines round them physically attaches them to the blade which again on first glance makes you think they are a physical part of the sword. The order of them is off as well, they should get progressively smaller as they get closer to the handle yet the shortest one sits the the middle of the three. I dont have a suggestion off the top of my head for what to replace them with or how to illustrate the movement, if it wasn't a logo I'd suggest a gradient but that wont work here either, all I can say is that what you have right now isn't working terribly well.

I'd also take half an hour and draw four separate airbursts for where you've sliced the ball, right now it's painfully obvious you've drawn one and just flipped it and resized it.

The new typeface for Charlotte certainly has more character than the previous one, but it also has a ton of historical/retro baggage that goes with it. Anytime pretty much anyone sees a font like that' they're automatically gonna think 50's cars design, chrome emblems etc etc. Now if Charlotte is famous for that (I've no idea I'm from Scotland so couldn't say) then you're on a winner, if it's not then you could be sending mixed messages.

It's a good start and an interesting name for a team and the concept is pretty sound you just need to continue to polish it and you'll be fine.


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