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Mobile Revelers


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The other night I was thinkin about that leprechaun incident in Mobile, and from there started wondering if I could make a half-decent identity for their former D-Leaguers, the Revelers. After several Inkscape crashes and one mowed lawn, I think I've done it...so here goes the Revelers ID sheet


I was considering something lame like a basketball wearing one of those dolled up domino masks before deciding on a more theatrical mask that would get my point across more effectively. Thus, the primary is a player rocking a laughing mask while one of the secondaries is the road primary, whose mask features a scowl. You know those Laugh Now Cry Later tattoos? Yeah, the two masks here symbolize something akin to that: We Laugh, You Cry. The old English-looking wordmarks are taken from the baseball Bay Bears' use of an English M...I wanted something similar to that, without being the exact one they used. The full primary, I'm thinking the NBA enforces its "full team name on primary" rule in the D as well, so that's why it's the way it is.

and now, the uniforms.


the joke reason for the gold homes: for a chance to tell yall I want da gold. Gimme da gold! Where da gold at!? The mundane reason is I simply felt it fit the mood of the entire set better than a white home ever could. The smiling versions of the jester and head appear on the shorts and jersey, respectively, while their angry counterparts appear on the purples. Finally, the alt greens have the M flanked on either side by the laugh and anger masks, in lieu of script, along with tapered purple/gold sides.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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I really, really like that primary logo. It's a very creative take, and I really applaud you for that. The colors are really cool too, good job here!


The opinions I express are mine, and mine only. If I am to express them, it is not to say you or anyone else is wrong, and certainly not to say that I am right.

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The text script is too hard to read and the logos are way too simplistic, cartoony and abstract to fly in the NBA IMO. The partial primary is a good start, but I just can't see it being used as a moniker of a professional basketball team.

It's supposed to be a D-League team, though, not an NBA team.

I'm not so sure the Olde English scripts are working the way they are now - maybe try a more readable Olde English font? Regardless, I love everything else about this concept, and the smiling and frowning versions of the primary are a great idea. Nice work.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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I didn't exactly use a font, all the letters in the wordmarks were done from scratch. Anyways, I've tweaked most of the lowercase letters, they should be a bit more legible now :hockeysmiley:


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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I didn't exactly use a font, all the letters in the wordmarks were done from scratch. Anyways, I've tweaked most of the lowercase letters, they should be a bit more legible now :hockeysmiley:

And I'm afraid it shows, and not in a good way.

It's a decent stab I've seen people attempt Old English style fonts like that and make a far worse job of it. I would think long and hard before giving one a go myself cos they can be heavy work so I'm not trying to take a cheap shot or anything, it's a good start but there are still a lot of inconsistencies and issues within the face that give it away.

For example the face that the O in Mobile looks half the line width of everything else, has clearly been drawn with the circle tool, when with a nib pen based font such as this you'd be far more likely to expect an ellipse of around similar dimensions (maybe a little wider) than the e and you'd expect variation in line weight to. You cant draw a O in a single pen stroke with a chisel nibbed pen it's done it two parts. The fact you've added the flourish only exaggerates the problem.

If you're keen to tidy it up, and you should be it's a good effort and could be well worth completing to high level, find yourself a few calligraphy guides that demonstrate how each letter form is created with individual strokes and what direction they're drawn in that way you'll achieve the correct flow with regards line weight.

I'll be honest though, while I think the font would be worth cleaning up and perfecting I'm still not convinced it's of the right font family for a team called the Revelers to be honest. When I see Old English/Blackletter fonts the first thing that comes to my mind is not really parties and revelry. It's more likely to be monarchs and monasteries, colour choices are good, line thicknesses could use some work and while others seem bothered about the cartoony nature of the mascot I'm not so concerned as it is for a developmental team after all.

Look forward to seeing this move forward.


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small update: the O in Mobile's been changed, as 9erssteve had a good point. The full primary's also been tweaked a bit. And with this, I take a knee.

As far as my lettering choice, I just felt like it was the right direction to go. Something else might go well with the jester, but I dunno, this just seemed to fit like a glove. Besides, I couldn't tell you what a "party" font would look like, to tell the truth. Coincidentally, Mardi Gras (the source of the Revelers name, if you haven't figured it out yet) has been going on in Mobile since 1703. Granted, it had nothing to do with my decision, but it was nice to learn. :D


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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