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Reported Potential Wha Team Names...

Brian in Boston

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Just a slight bump-ola...

But I'm also wondering why the thread that CC linked to is now gone. The reason I bring it up is because I put together a 2004 Toros concept using the new logo, and I'd love to post it. But... I don't want to get CC or myself in any (further?) trouble. Thoughts? :therock:

The concept would be best kept on your personal computer until they release it.... trust me :rolleyes:


Chris Creamer
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Just a slight bump-ola...

But I'm also wondering why the thread that CC linked to is now gone.  The reason I bring it up is because I put together a 2004 Toros concept using the new logo, and I'd love to post it.  But...  I don't want to get CC or myself in any (further?) trouble.  Thoughts?  :therock:

The concept would be best kept on your personal computer until they release it.... trust me :rolleyes:

Thanks CC! Will do... Although, I must say that given what I had to work with, it's a pretty decent concept! B)


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Super Funtime Detroit Team Concern

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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Same with Detroit.  The Red Wings ain't using the Palace at Auburn Hills.

Pistons' owner Bill Davidson (I think he owns the Palace, too) didn't want to step on the toes of Mike Illitch and the Red Wings, so the Palace was a no go.

Plus, Davidson I think owns the Tampa Bay Lightning another NHL team. So he would be reluctant lease his building out to the "rival" league.

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Same with Detroit. The Red Wings ain't using the Palace at Auburn Hills.

Pistons' owner Bill Davidson (I think he owns the Palace, too) didn't want to step on the toes of Mike Illitch and the Red Wings, so the Palace was a no go.

Plus, Davidson I think owns the Tampa Bay Lightning another NHL team. So he would be reluctant lease his building out to the "rival" league.

Yeah, Davidson owns the Lightning but he doesn't pay much attention to them.

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How about the Pontiac P!$$ers?

"I better go take a long walk off a short pier or something."

Some people on this bolard have told me to do just that.

My "Ron Mexico" alias is "Jon Tobago".

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Detroit's WHA team will not be called the Daredevils. They're holding a "name-the-team" contest right now and I've been told that "Daredevils" was just a suggestion by the WHA. Going back through the news releases, none of the releases that actually name the Detroit owners use the "Daredevils" nickname, so I probably should have noticed this earlier.

So while it seems too late to have any hope for the Toros' logo, there might be a chance in Detroit.

Also, it was hinted that the team might go by "Michigan" rather than "Detroit". Not certain about that, I might be reading into the language too much.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Colorado Crush Incident :therock:

Yeah, the voting is going on right now and I think it's rigged. I voted on Saturday night and one option was leading the others by far. Today, another option is completely blowing out all the others, and it's the only name on the list that already has the domain name registered by the team owners. I'm calling them out on it.

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In case anyone is wondering, the breakdown of voting percentages (as of 1:15 PM EST on Thursday, May 27, 2004) in the "Name the Team" poll for the WHA's Pontiac, Michigan-based franchise is as follows:

Detroit Demons - 26.39%

Detroit Cougars - 16.73%

Detroit Vipers - 12.27%

Detroit Drive - 8.55%

Detroit Cobras - 7.81%

Detroit Sentinels - 7.43%

Detroit Falcons - 7.06%

Michigan Mustangs - 5.58%

Michigan Motors - 4.46%

Detroit Blades - 3.72%

You can cast your vote at http://www.senticore.com/index.php

What a singularly uninspiring list of names. The vast majority have already been used by Detroit-based franchises in hockey or other professional sports.

I'm with YzerFan19 on this one: the fix is in. Think about it. Supposedly the WHA suggests that the Michigan ownership group go with Detroit Daredevils. The minute there's even a hint of dissent over fans not being allowed to help with the selection of the name, a team spokesperson solicits fan input. An online poll at the website of the team's parent company lists one name, the Detroit Demons, as far-and-away the frontrunner. That identity just happens to be the only one with a domain-name already registered by the team's owners. And hey, Detroit DEMONS isn't that big a stretch from Detroit DareDEVILS when you really think about it. I mean a logo for either Demons or Daredevils could feature a horned, demonic mascot right? Maybe a logo that's already been designed... for when the WHA and team owners wanted to name the team the Daredevils!

The only problem is that the fans in the Motor City got a bit uppity (not to mention that any pro hockey team calling themselves the Daredevils and utilizing a logo featuring a devil character would probably soon be hearing from MARVEL Comics' legal department).

Brian in Boston

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I wasn't going to announce the names just yet but since BiB did I'll comment on them. I suggested "Michigan Sentinels" as a tie-in to both the team owner and Michigan history. I also think a really kick-ass, not minor-league logo could be developed for it. "Detroit Sentinels" loses some of the history but I think it's the best original name there. I must not be alone in thinking this, since it's the highest-rated original name other than the "Demons" name that I think is rigged.

I'm emailing them as soon as I get to my home computer, where I can keep better track of my correspondance with them.

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A blurb from my email to Senticorp:

On Saturday, voting began to select the name of Detroit's new WHA team.  When I voted on Saturday night, "Detroit Cougars" was in the lead by far with about 18% of the votes.  Today, "Detroit Demons" has jumped into the lead with 33% of the votes.  This alone would mean nothing if it weren't for the fact that, as of right now, DetroitDemons.com is the only .com domain of the team names available to be voted on that is registered by Senticorp.

Because only one of the possible domains is registered, it seems that Senticorp is not simply protecting its interests by registering the domains ahead of time.  It looks very much like Senticorp has simply already chosen what name will be the "winner" from the options available.

I hope you can prove that this isn't the case.

Their reply:

It is unfortunate that you feel this way.  Saturday morning we tried to lock up those names that were in the lead.  Detroitcougars.com was not available, but we did secure .net and detroitdemons.com was in second place at the time so we locked that up also.  The people are voting and Detroit Demons is not legitimately in the lead.  You are welcome to take a look and see when the names were purchased.  We are an honorable company and would not do what we think is going on.  Sorry you feel that way.
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Oh, dear God! Vince McMahon's now planning to ruin ICE HOCKEY!

"I better go take a long walk off a short pier or something."

Some people on this bolard have told me to do just that.

My "Ron Mexico" alias is "Jon Tobago".

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Oh, I forgot to point out a couple things:

It is unfortunate that you feel this way.  Saturday morning we tried to lock up those names that were in the lead.  Detroitcougars.com was not available, but we did secure .net and detroitdemons.com was in second place at the time so we locked that up also.  The people are voting and Detroit Demons is not legitimately in the lead.  You are welcome to take a look and see when the names were purchased.  We are an honorable company and would not do what we think is going on.  Sorry you feel that way.
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