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The Penrith Swans


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Hmm... doesn't look bad.... I just don't think it's up to your standards. I feel like there is a better way to build the swan shape into the shield... the way you have it now is somewhat clunky for such a graceful animal like a swan.

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Extremely elegant. Well balanced and lends itself to a ton of uses. The only things I don't like are that the font seems to be too bold for the elegance in the design (a thinner version would probably be better) and the highlights on the wings. The way the highlights are now makes me think of a frog for some reason (probably the rounded edges/toes).

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Why do you place your finalized logos on such unflattering backgrounds? I never understood the idea of presenting sport identities in a distracting way.

Yup, two reasons. I think its important they can be seen in context of the material they will be printed on. Secondly, when displayed at an angle/ on warped fabric, they are harder to trace, and with the lighting effects, very hard to live trace. I guess if there was a third reason, its that often clients are impressed by stuff presented in that way. It adds an element of technology that puts the design in a realm beyond the f*****s who think their nephew who is 'good at art' could do just as good a job.

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Really like it, quality work as always. My only minor criticism would be I'm not a big fan of the way the highlights on the wings end. The bulbous ending makes them look a little odd, almost like distorted fingers or something rather than the highlights you might expect on wings and especially on feathers. But like I said it's a minor criticism and is in no way a show stopper and certainly doesn't stop this being another well executed and stylish piece of branding.


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