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The Object: Create a new, original logo

The Rules: You have three days.

WARNING! If your logo uses any part of any logo already in existence, you will be disqualified and banned from any further participation in the life of this contest.


Well, Syracuse has fallen as yet another college that has abandond their "offensive" name. And me, for one, am gonna fight back in my own special way.

Your challenge, my friends, is to come up with an original Syracuse Orangemen logo, using what the name is supposed to represent, an Orangeman Indian.

The Logo: Syracuse Orangemen - Indian logo

The winner of the poll will get a spiffy looking small banner to put in your sig, not to mention the admiration of your peers.

You have until Saturday, 3:00pm EDT

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I hate to rain on your parade, but I'm fairly certain the name Orangemen didn't come from Native Americans (although we have had Chief Bill Orange and the Saltine Warrior as our mascots at various points in our history).

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it came from William of Orange i believe who has his roots in Northern Ireland

Orangemen came from the native americans, and it was their mascot for many years. An Indian Orangeman statue is still standing on the campus

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Orangemen came from the native americans, and it was their mascot for many years. An Indian Orangeman statue is still standing on the campus

We've had Native American mascots, but I'm pretty sure our name doesn't come from Native Americans.

I'm still in the process of Googling this for more info...

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From www.suathletics.com:

The Saltine Warrior, an Indian figure named Big Chief Bill Orange, was born in a hoax published in The Syracuse Orange Peel, October 1931. The remains of this 16th century Onondagan chief were supposedly found in the excavations for the new women's gymnasium in 1928.

In 1951, the Senior Class commissioned a statue of the Saltine Warrior to be placed near the discovery site. The students of the famous Croatian sculptor and SU faculty member, Ivan Mestrovic, competed for the honor. The winner was Louise Kaisch who arranged for a member of the Onondaga Nation to pose for her statue. The Saltine Warrior, cast in bronze, was moved several times, at last finding a resting place on the south-east corner of the quadrangle, next to the Shaffer Art Building.

In the mid-1950's, the father of a Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity brother owned a cheerleading camp. He made a Saltine Warrior costume for his son to wear at SU football games. Thus began a nearly forty-year tradition of Lambda Chi brothers serving as SU's mascot. In 1990 however the University opened up the mascot traditions to the entire student body (Daily Orange, February 22, 1990).

This is all i could find. Nothing about Syracuse having to do anything with William of Orange or Northern Ireland.

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Right, I know about the Saltine Warrior. I pass it every day on the way to class.

But there's no mention of the name. Which is fine, I'm actually kinda sorry I brought it up 'cause it really doesn't matter in the context of the contest.

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Being politically incorrect for the sake of being politically incorrect has been played out.


Dubya's thoughts on "terrorist" nations: "They never stop thinking of new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

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I haven't litterally laughed outloud on here until I saw "I'd like to see some more detail in the feather" Genius!

I might take a stab at this. considering I had to avoid anything that had to do with Native Americans while at Carthage....



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