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Sport car, bullpen cart?


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So, let's see if anyone can confirm what I think I saw........

I'm watching the 1977 World Series for a few minutes on the baseball channel earlier today. It's LA vs NY. I don;t know what inning, but I think it's game 6. And REG-GIE has just hit a homerun...

Lasorda pulled the pitcher, and they show him going through the dugout and into a tunnel where there's a car waiting for him. I can only see part of the car, but I would hazard to guess it was a Datsun 280Zx, complete with pinstripes and the hat logo on the door. And, then they cut away back to REG-GIE.

Now, let's keep in mind, I'm at my parents' house, so there is no fancy 21st century technology like a DVR, so I can;t go back and look or take a screen shot.

Was I seeing things? Or did Yankee Stadium have lil Japanese sport cars to move players around in...?

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Yes, it did. And, if memory serves me, it was a 280Z (or whatever model they were up to at that point).

The Orioles had a Toyota van for a while in the 80s.

EDIT: Go back to '72 and it was apparently a dinky little Datsun 1200.


I don't remember that, but I remember the 280Z (and will try to find a picture).

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This is the greatest thing I've ever seen.


koizim said:
And...and ya know what we gotta do? We gotta go kick him in da penis. He'll be injured. Injured bad.

COYS and Go Sox

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