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NFL Hockey Jersey series


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Just wanted to let everybody know that it may take some time to get more of them done, and it is also likely that I may not be able to get through all 32 teams. Due to my graphic course that is now in session, I have 12 hour days from Monday to Friday. The course is from 8 to 3 each day, but transportation is where those extra hours come from. The school is far from my place. I've made my way to having a normal, overly-packed scheduled life, just like everybody else. :D

Just a quick heads up to let everybody know what to expect.

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All of these are really good man!!!

My only real criticism is the kinda inconsistent striping patterns on the home and aways for the Seahawks, Bills, and Browns.

In terms of "realistic" I would use a script for the Browns, but what you have is so damn funny (in a good way) that you shouldn't change it.

My favorite is the Chargers (all though a small amount of navy might help break it up a bit) followed closely by the Bills and Jags.

Keep up the good work man!!! Cant wait to see my Lions

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Titans look great man. Just some minor tweeks, I think the shoulder numbers on the home should be white with light blue outline, I just think they would pop more. Also I think you should move the logo to the left just a little, it seems slightly off.

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Titans look great man. Just some minor tweeks, I think the shoulder numbers on the home should be white with light blue outline, I just think they would pop more. Also I think you should move the logo to the left just a little, it seems slightly off.

It already is, pretty much. It's just that the position of the circle part, and the angle of the logo make it appear off-centered.

Just like the Dallas Stars logo.

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I made some tweaks to the Titans uniforms. I removed the outer navy stripe from the sleeves/sides to give the jersey a much needed simplification, and I changed up the colors of the gloves.

Here's the next team...

Detroit Lions


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