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More news on W H A...

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According to a story in today's Los Angeles Times...

Organizers of the new WHA plan to begin operations this fall with 8 to 10 teams in the lineup... which will be announced at a press conference tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday, June 9, 2004) in Toronto.

According to Rick Munro, owner of the Dallas franchise, several teams are still trying to complete lease arrangements in time for the league's proposed November launch. In Canada, the league plans to place teams in Halifax, Toronto, Quebec City and, possibly, Hamilton. United States franchises are planned for Dallas, the Detroit area, Jacksonville and Orlando. Munro made no mention of Miami as a franchise site. However, reportedly, Hartford, Connecticut is another potential site if the ownership group there can negotiate a lease with the Civic Center. IMHO, that will be easier said than done, given the fact that the Hartford Civic Center is now operated by Madison Square Garden Corporation... parent company of both the NHL's New York Rangers and the AHL's Hartford Wolf Pack.

Each team will have a $15-million salary cap, including up to $5-million for one star player. Teams will travel by commercial airline, rather than on charter flights, and front-office staffs will be kept to a minimum. both measures are meant to cut down on financial overhead.

Munro also said that adding teams in California and/or Europe was being explored for the league's second season.

Brian in Boston

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The IHL was too fragmented. The teams that came in in the '90s wanted to rival the NHL, the teams that came in in the '80s wanted to rival the AHL and the teams before that wanted to be a bus league. So when you had the Kalamazoos and the Phoenixs and Salt Lakes all pulling in opposite directions, trying to make the league something else.

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if the I woulda stuck with the idea of trying to knock off the AHL, that woulda been fine with me. as is, the Ads finally win something, too bad it ain't the Turner Cup.

that, and wendel young still sucks. :cursing:


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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The truth of the matter is that the NHL, providing it doesnt go crazy, has all the trump cards- the biggest cards of all are the teams with all the history they have and the Stanley Cup itself. You simply can't replace any of that overnight! in the end the WHA will just be seen as a cheap replacement whatever.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Fire Puck

Anyone got pictures of it?

I used to have a screengrab of the Fire Puck on my old computer, but not anymore. :(

I think it was only used for one period in the 1992 (?) All-Star Game in Ft. Wayne. Basically, the puck looked like a regular puck, except it had an orange-ish reflective material on each side where the logos normally are. Then they put a filter over the lens of the camera which would make the puck "glow" on screen. If my memory serves me correctly, I think 2 pucks ended up in the crowd and I have never seen any enter the memorabilia hobby, whereas I have seen one Fox "glow-puck" on eBay.


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i remember seeing said firepuck once or twice when the Deuce was showing IHL games cus of the lockout.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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