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Yankees uniform database


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Hey guys, haven't posted in a couple months because I've been busy with school/work and this project, so I hope this doesn't get construed as a shameless plug.

For the past year and a half I've been working on a database of every uniform/logo used by the New York Yankees. I first started out recreating the historic uniforms for fun, but it quickly snowballed into a full-fledged project when I was inspired by the work others like Jay Jackson and Gothamite have done. I used the baseball template from the main site because I felt it was the best template for me to use for something like this, so if that's a problem in some way just let me know (I did give credit to the site on my blog).

Anyway, I wasn't sure if I should have posted this here or in my concepts thread, but I wanted to run it by the community before I try to get the word out anywhere else. I hope my database can be useful to others, take a look and let me know what you guys think, thanks.


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Great work and outstanding quality.

This is really interesting. I wish something this in-depth existed for all teams!

And a bit off-topic, but I'm gonna see the Rockies play the Yankees tomorrow and on Wednesday :D

The baseball HOF site has a database of all the uniforms, but not in quality like this.

I would really like to see this done for the Indians, as they have had some pretty interesting uniform changes over the years

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Very well done. Is there a way to fix the links to Photobucket so the graphics can be seen larger and in more detail, like some of the patches?

When you click on a year and it opens up photobucket it should have an option to view the original larger size. I was fiddling around and found that if I change the way I link the images to the blog, when you click on them, they will open up immediately in the original large size without sending you to photobucket. The only downside to that method is that the images will appear smaller than they currently are on the blog page which, for the purpose of viewing multiple years at a glance seems like they are a good size. I rarely even use my own facebook page, so trying to figure out blogging and html etc has been a pretty interesting experience. If someone knows how I can change the images in the second option to appear on the page the size they are now, that would probably be better so you don't have to open up photobucket just to view the larger files. I'll keep fiddling....

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When I clicked on an image it opens up a much smaller version on your Photobucket page, with no option to enlarge.

It took me a while to figure out the tiny logos at the bottom of each graphic were the jersey manufacturers.

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When it takes you to the smaller image on photobucket, click on it and it will bring up a slightly larger version, in the bottom corner of that image will be a little magnifying glass, when you click on that it will show the original, much larger picture. ....This is why I'll try to resolve this issue as soon as possible and eliminate all those steps, lol.

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OK, I just went through and fixed all the images so that when you click on them, it will instantly bring up the full-size version. The only problem I encountered is that even though I redid all the images the same exact way, there were several that still send you to photobucket when you click them. This happened to: 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 1980 and a few others I think....It's driving me nuts, I don't know why they all don't stay the same.

EDIT: never mind, those seem to be working now.

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