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Ren, I am absolutely amazed by your logos. Your logos have motivated me to learn the basics of Illustrator and attempt to do the things you have done in this thread. Is there any way you can walk me through the process of a standard logo here?

How long does it take?

What program do you use?

Do you hand draw all of these? Some of these? Any of these?

Can you just image trace some of the logos and go from there?

HOW exactly do you do this? I want to be able to contribute in some way, unfortunately I'm not the most artistic person in the world, but if I could get a little guidance it could REALLY help. Anything you can tell me would be VERY appreciated. Thank you for everything you do around here, man.

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Ren, I am absolutely amazed by your logos. Your logos have motivated me to learn the basics of Illustrator and attempt to do the things you have done in this thread. Is there any way you can walk me through the process of a standard logo here?

How long does it take?

What program do you use?

Do you hand draw all of these? Some of these? Any of these?

Can you just image trace some of the logos and go from there?

HOW exactly do you do this? I want to be able to contribute in some way, unfortunately I'm not the most artistic person in the world, but if I could get a little guidance it could REALLY help. Anything you can tell me would be VERY appreciated. Thank you for everything you do around here, man.

First off, thank you for the positive feedback! Now, where to begin....

How long?

Anywhere from an hr on up, depending on the degree of difficulty & how much time you want or are willing to invest in a particular logo.

Program of choice?

Adobe Illustrator

Are they hand drawn?

Yes. Since these are pre existing logos just being updated I will usually trace out the initial line work to make it less time consuming & use that as my base which also helps in keeping the update faithful to the original. From there on everything else is free handed.

Image trace?

I simply use the pen tool. That's not to say image trace can't be useful in some way shape or form but for me since the majority of my work is hand drawn, I just don't use it.

How I do it?

I uploaded a couple videos which give you a bit of insight on how I go about doing these vintage logo updates. They can be found on pgs 47 & 48.

Hope my response to your questions is helpful & in some small way inspire your creative side!

Thank you,


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Actually, one follow up question after watching the videos:

Keep in mind, my understanding of illustrator is very limited, but why do you use the pen tool as opposed to just an image trace? Wouldn't you be able to achieve all of the same line effects or am I way simplifying and overestimating the ability of image trace?

Maybe in the same vein, but possibly a bit different, are there any benefits of using the pen tool over the image trace tool?

I ask these questions from the perspective of being awful at hand drawing anything - even balloons - so I'm positive it's just something I'm not understanding from an actual artistic standpoint, but it would seem as if you'd be able to save a bunch of time and achieve the same effect.... again, I don't fully understand illustrator AND I'm an awful artist: the perfect storm for not understanding your brilliance.

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Guess the best way to explain that is to give you an example. For me, IMO it just seems to be a lot more work to do an image trace then have to clean it up and then reshape all the line work to get it looking how I want it . Again if all your trying to achieve is a duplicate of an image in vector form then it'll do the job but for what I'm going for here that's just not an option for me as you can see from the samples below. Hope that helps you out.


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Greetings! Sorry if this is against your terms or what not, but I have the pin that Anubis2051 linked as a photo back in april of this year, the Yankees pin with the blue bat not in the hat, and i was wondering if anyone knows any details about it;

  • when was it made?
  • by who? was it some 'knock off' product or was this an official yankee product?
  • why is it so different from the 'normal' vintage logo?
  • why does the stitching cut off below the word? there is another one of these pins on ebay that shows the stitching going right to the word.
  • any idea on a value?

If anyone can answer any of this it would be greatly appreciated!

Heres a couple of links;

identical to mine, gap in stitching and the one anubis2051 linked: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=371065752143&fromMakeTrack=true

complete stitching: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rare-New-York-Yankees-3-5-Logo-Pin-Button-Pinback-/120679951935

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I've been following this thread since you started... Great Work on all the updates!!

I am trying to update the 1970's Pittsburgh Pirates logo and am not very well versed in any of the software you are using. I've just been using MS Paint lol ... Is there any chance you could spice up this logo a bit and convert it into a vector image? I appreciate any help! Thanks very much. Keep up the great work!


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Ren, how did you become such a good artist? High school classes? Natural talent? Learned from other people? I'm wondering because I would love to be better at art so I could make my own logos and possibly contribute to this thread.

usbnr3E.png     QrRvhzH.png     u0rDbga.png

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