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Timmy's NFL Concepts! NEED C&C


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Hey Guys, Timmy here again. After testing the market with some lousy concepts, I have used photo shop to start new concepts. This will be my first one, it is a chiefs concept. Yellow jersey. I was going for a classic look, but i found it just looked bland and boring so I have added side colors! And please no coments on "McDonald's All american Team"!football_zps7575bb67.jpg

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The pants aggravate me... Why is there no stripe of some sort on them? Try to think outside the box, go wild. What's the worst thing that happens? People troll and hate and you go back to the drawing board. Interesting Jersey concept, though. The nameplate intrigues me the most. What color would you make the names? Would they be similar to how the numbers are written? Also, there are no TV numbers (shoulder/sleeve numbers)

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Brave-Bird 08 said it best. The Chiefs are a red team, and I don't think nameplates look good in any sport, definitely not football.

EDIT: I just noticed you posted yourself that your uniform looks a lot like McDonald's All-Americans. I saw you make a Saints concept which you described as ''ugly''. That's C&C of your own you really should take before posting these.

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Need to be a little more creative here. All I see is a concept that took two minutes, tops, with the paint bucket tool. Get some better striping and like some have suggested, use red. Yellow just isn't a good primary color for the Chiefs.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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