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seattle hockey team


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try Gimp. It's free and easy. Also try different fonts and different shades of blue and green. But if you aren't very good at drawing with a pen on paper, it will be difficult for you to be good with a mouse on computer.

Looking past the execution and towards the actual idea, try a different name. For a town like Seattle, there is so much to draw from, the urban area, the mountains, the ocean, the northwest natives. You can take inspiration from so much, Metros, Orcas, Emeralds, etc. The name "scorers" isn't terrible, but is hard to create a brand for, and isn't very meaningful.

Kubiak Designs, Buffalo, NY- Est. 2012

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looks like okay idea, but you made the lines different widths, and it looks sloppy. Upgrade to Inkscape or Illustrator, or even Photoshop.

Also, your logos currently says "S corers), i would suggest changing that.

What are the 2 J's at the bottom?




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Alright, I hope this doesn't come across as being harsh, because I have the best of intentions. Honestly, I do.

The people on this board are huge sticklers, and rightfully so, on presentation. They will be helpful, complementary, and awesome if you post something that is well put together.

It doesn't really matter the quality of drawing or what program you use, what matters is that it shows that you're putting in the effort to make sure it's a worthwhile project. We're a very "don't show up until it's presentable" group. If you're forgetting to color in sections, or forgetting sleeve numbers, or, as in this case, numerous things don't line up and it doesn't look like that was intended, why should everyone commit time to critique it? You have to bring something to the table that's worth talking about.

That's not to say I know what I'm doing. I've had numerous concepts drop to page 2 and then obscurity way faster than I thought they deserved to. However, I know the high standards and if I don't meet them, I only get what I deserve.

Do yourself a favor. Take a step back and really work on this for a while. Get everything just right. Make the hockey sticks look like hockey sticks. Ask whether or not it deserves to be on a real hockey jersey. Make it truly perfect...then sit on it for a week or two, and take another look at it. Is it still perfect? Or did you miss some things that you should fix? Good. Fix them. Then repeat until it truly is perfect. Come back then, and you'll see a very different response.

In the meantime, observe other concepts, see how other people operate. What techniques they use, what comments they get. I think you'll be much better prepared then.

Trust me. Step back and work on this for a while. It'll be worth the time.

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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