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Hawk Logo


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This is a really great start. I'd work on the bottom part of the beak, as it seems to be nonexistent at the moment (normally it'd be okay, since the beak would appear to be one object, but since you have the grin in there, it seems like the bottom part needs to be separated). But aside from that, I really, really like it.

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Looks like a pretty decent start to me. I'll echo what PSU said above, the beak needs to be fixed just a tad. The "stripe" on the top of the beak right now sorta reminds me of Tucan Sam, ya know, from the Froot Loops box. :P

But all-in-all, it looks good so far. I look forward to seeing some color in this. Have you thought of any color options?

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IMO, you've only regressed from your original mark. There was really no reason to define the beak differently than you originally had. Obviously real hawks have beaks that connect from top to bottom at the corner of the mouth but rendering it differently as you did in the OP doesn't take away from the mark. There are plenty of examples of logos of birds that have the lower beak rendered similarly to what you had originally and none of them look inherently off.

Also, his expression went from a cocky\aggressive smile to who farted?

If I were you, I'd revisit the original mark and go from there. This concept has a lot of promise, I'd just hate to see it driven to something mediocre because of C&C and suggestions.


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IMO, you've only regressed from your original mark. There was really no reason to define the beak differently than you originally had. Obviously real hawks have beaks that connect from top to bottom at the corner of the mouth but rendering it differently as you did in the OP doesn't take away from the mark. There are plenty of examples of logos of birds that have the lower beak rendered similarly to what you had originally and none of them look inherently off.

Also, his expression went from a cocky\aggressive smile to who farted?

If I were you, I'd revisit the original mark and go from there. This concept has a lot of promise, I'd just hate to see it driven to something mediocre because of C&C and suggestions.

I was about to say the same thing. The "fierce" update looks like he aged fifty human years. The first update though looks great, the smile conveyed kind of an arrogant smile, as if to say, "we're better than you and we know that".
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