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Cream-colored jerseys for basketball?


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What if teams in the NBA used cream-colored for their home whites (or alternate whites, in the case of the Lakers) on Sundays? Would that be something that is sacrilege because it further dilutes a team's identity or because it is something that should be limited to Major League Baseball?


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Cream would not work for basketball. For a sport that is trying to market its self as modern and towards a younger demographic. Cream would only work for a few teams (celtics, lakers, Knicks, maybe a few others) as retro throwbacks. I honestly think that cream never looks better than white in any circumstance but there are only a select few that it works for, and that is as a throwback for a team with a long history.

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interesting idea but for what reason? The only way I can see this acceptable is if they had a few "Winter Classic" games if you will - play them out doors like street ball or something. Wear fauxback/throwback jerseys with cream replacing white, I can see it. And again, I will disagree with Wonderbread. Basketball is a haven for random meaningless jerseys that people buy, this just adds to their catalogue, plus its better than sleeves. I can tell you arent a fan of cream though haha.

I think you need to do more to these, try to find a nice vintage Knicks and Lakers jersey and replace the white with cream and possible do some more. If you are really up the the challenge, make a fauxback for each replacing white with cream again. Interested to see how it turns out.

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I think cream colored jerseys don't work as well on indoor sports. There is a reason teams who have cream alternates in baseball wear them in day games--the sunlight makes them look better. This could also have something to do with hockey using them in outdoor day games but usually not other times. (I know some of you will post pictures proving that cream is worn inside or at night; I'm not saying it never happens but that it is usually the case.) In basketball, a game played under artificial lighting, I think the cream would look like unwashed jerseys.


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I thought about these not only because the Giants and Mets wore cream-colored jerseys (the latter inspired by the Giants), but also the rumor of the Seattle Mariners' switch, as well as all these other teams now wearing cream. The fact that all of them have won the pennant, plus the news that the NBA is introducing the gold tabs on the back of the neck collars (which at least one forum member complained about it clashing with the overall color scheme), I just rolled the two ideas into one: celebrate the championships won by an NBA team with a subtle nod of cream-colored jerseys.


I posted LA and NY because I agree, only a handful of teams should be wearing them, but I've attempted to color most of the ones who have won titles. I did not do one for the Bullets, Phila Warriors or the San Francisco Warriors. A cream-colored "The City" jersey might look nice. Or odd. I did it for Cleveland, but did not include it because LeBron has yet to deliver one there.

Here's what the Iverson 76ers, Grant Hill Pistons and the Curry Warriors would look like:

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I think cream colored jerseys don't work as well on indoor sports. There is a reason teams who have cream alternates in baseball wear them in day games--the sunlight makes them look better. This could also have something to do with hockey using them in outdoor day games but usually not other times. (I know some of you will post pictures proving that cream is worn inside or at night; I'm not saying it never happens but that it is usually the case.) In basketball, a game played under artificial lighting, I think the cream would look like unwashed jerseys.

There have been NBA and WNBA games played outdoors. Indian Wells Tennis Garden and (then) Home Depot Center comes to mind, though, IIRC, they've all been preseason matchups. Maybe cream would work in those seldom-played games. Maybe a special patch; as long as it's not an ad. (Edit: Just looked it up: the WNBA games were actually regular season games. But they do appear to have been evening games.)





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I like all of those except Kings, Spurs and Mavs. I don't see why people don't like cream, its hardly recognizable compared to the rest of the trash the NBA produces.

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YES, PLEASE to the Bucks in cream. I always thought it was such a shame that we're known as Cream City, yet not a single one of our teams has ever worn it.

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I was at a St. Paul Saints minor-league baseball game a couple of weeks ago (my first!) The Saints wore royal-blue jerseys with cream-coloured pants. The pants just read yellow under the lights. It was very off-putting. I think cream is almost impossible to pull off in a real-world setting. Very few colours go well with it.




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Going back to what originally led me to ask this question (baseball jerseys), I wonder: what about a cream colored Dodgers or Yankees jerseys? Both the Mets and the Giants wear cream, so would it be weird (or even sacrilegious) for LAD and/or NYY to wear them? Thoughts?

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Weird as it sounds, the only team in any sport that should be wearing cream is the San Francisco Giants, and possibly the Mets

No St. Louis Cardinals?

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