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Tampa Bay Rays


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I started this concept in paint a while ago, like in May. I didn't really have time to finish it because I had school and exams or whatever. I also did not want to rush this because I wanted to make sure it looked good. I wanted to be sure that there were no gray pixels or anything out of place because that would really distract from my concept and I take pride in my work. With that, I made a concept if the Devil Rays ever decided to change, I know they've been contemplating it. I think there was also some kind of contest about the Devil Rays when they first announced that they were going to maybe change their name, but I don't remember for sure. For this concept I made the Tampa Bay Rays. I tried to incorporate the sun into my logos and wordmarks as you can see with the TB cap and sleeve logo, and the wordmark on the home jersey. I also tried to emphasize yellow for the sun, sky blue for the sky, and black for shadows. I didn't really want to have too much black because lately it's been tried and failed for many teams in many sports or is really blinged out right now (see Anaheim Ducks, Jacksonville Jaguars, Mets, Reds, previously the Royals etc.) I made three jerseys. Home, alt home, and road. I was thinking about making a road alt, but I didn't think that it would be necessary. I was going to try to make a BP jersey too, but it would have been hard, and I felt that I could always go back and make one if I ever wanted to.

Home uniform


Away Uniform


Alternate home uniform


What do you guys think. I did my best and tried my hardest. I was iffy about having three different caps, but I wanted to use the three colors for the Rays and I certainly did not want to have an overabudance of black because that would have really ditracted the yellow and sky blue.

--Brian Raps--

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Not that I really know what I'm doing, but here are my observations:

1) Love the "Tb sun" logo.

2) The color scheme is blinding. I like the use of yellow and blue, but the blue needs to either get paler (a la Denver Nuggets) or darker (at least to the shade of the ball-in-glove Brewers or '80s Mariners).

3) The "b" in the logo, and for that matter all the lowercase letters, need to get bigger in comparison to the uppercase letters to avoid looking goofy.

4) Ditch the blue cap with the yellow bill. The other 2 caps are good, but that one is just too bright and flashy.

5) I love the "Rays" script on the home jersey. The "Tampa Bay" script on the gray jersey doesn't work as well. Maybe if you balanced the letter sizes (#3) and made the underline come straight under the letters it would look better.

6) Copy-proofing your work is cool, but to have the name and date show through the white jerseys is really distracting.

oh ,my god ,i strong recommend you to have a visit on the website ,or if i'm the president ,i would have an barceque with the anthor of the articel .
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Worst watermark I have ever seen. You can't expect people to take your work seriously with that on there.

Ok. I'll get to removing that. I just wanted to make sure that nobody stole my work.

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Worst watermark I have ever seen. You can't expect people to take your work seriously with that on there.

Ok. I'll get to removing that. I just wanted to make sure that nobody stole my work.

believe me, no one would steal that.

If you were to clean it up and not use light colors, something might be able to be worked out.

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Worst watermark I have ever seen. You can't expect people to take your work seriously with that on there.

Ok. I'll get to removing that. I just wanted to make sure that nobody stole my work.

believe me, no one would steal that.

If you were to clean it up and not use light colors, something might be able to be worked out.

Well, I figured better safe then sorry. The watermark is gone now, so if anyone has anything to say go ahead, since it's easier to see now.

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Hey, leave him alone a little bit. It's his first concept ever, and although it's not great, you can't blame the kid for trying. At least he didn't patsox it up and leave messy areas all over. He said he took his time and, at least fundamentally, it looks clean.

First of all, I'd recommend you ditching the gray-and-yellow and go to something with maybe a gray-and-blue (or, perhaps, gasp! A powder blue away!) If nothing at all, at least take the blue-and-black cap away from that away set. It just doesn't work together.

Second, I see you're going for some kind of script for the fronts, and you might want to look into just using a standard font for that. You can find something if not on your computer, on one of the thousands of free font sites out there.

Third, well, I don't know for a number three. But those would be two big improvements right there. Keep workin' on it - I've seen a LOT more first attempts that made me want to yak!

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I think its alright for a start, and I like how each of the colors you used has a reason for being there. That said, the yellow scripts really will be difficult to read against a white or gray jersey. I would consider using the blue instead. In fact, I would consider changing "Rays" to blue, but leave the sunrays around the "a" yellow. I don't know, but it might just make a nice effect.

Keep up the effort,


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For some reason I started playing with the TB logo. Here's what I came up with:


It was a fun little exercise, but if I had to do it over, I'd go further away from your original design and go more circular with the "b" and the sunburst surrounding it.

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This has potential it just needs some touch ups.

- Ether add more black or remove it completey. I suggest adding more because you have powder blue and yellow adding a dark color would do a lot I think.

- The suns in your logo need some work you should try and attach the sundurst to the actual sun. Make the sunburst more londer and pointy.

- The wordmarks are what need the biggest help. The Ray wordmark is horrible trying to make the a look like a sun is a bad idea. Also make the wordmark wider and but make the length of it smaller.

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No.... No No No No No

Wow!! Thanks!! That was a completely necessary post. "No.... No No No No No." I'm sure that I would be able to improve my design with that vast amount of knowledge and information you supplied. Ok, so you don't like the concept. That's cool, but it would be even cooler if you explained why you didn't like it so that I could somehow improve it.

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