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Everything posted by WSU151

  1. Yeah I liked their last set of logos a lot...but this is really good, too. There are like four fonts in this new package though, which brings it down a bit.
  2. We have "P-L-A-S-H" so I'm guessing there was an S photo. Maybe a new mascot...or party deck.
  3. The font in the roundel feels a lot like the South Bend Cubs. The standing sod poodle next to the A is nice...very traditionally MiLB. But... Sod Poodles. FFS.
  4. But every nearly detail on the Bengals' unis (past and present) has been orange with black stripes. On the black jerseys, it was always an orange background with black stripes on top..
  5. I like everything but the hat. The only they had they need is the red hat with the white C and no dropshadow.
  6. Most of those are just awful. Trying way too hard to be clever.
  7. I liked the single outline and the bigger size...but what I don't really get these days is why is the current logo triple outlined? Seems like a black logo outlined in white and black would tie in the helmet stripes perfectly. But they have that stupid gold outline in it, that you can't see from more than 15 feet away.
  8. Maybe an unpopular opinion...pretty niche...the Yankees need to bring back the red on the batterman logo.
  9. "So, the bung hammer is used to fit the bung into the bunghole of a barrel."
  10. Yesterday I saw someone wearing a blue Joe Juneau jersey...it was pretty awesome. These blue jerseys never should have been replaced by the black jerseys.
  11. Seems to have more of a boxing feel to it. Blue trunks vs red trunks.
  12. Hopefully not too similar. A Yankees South look would only work if they had a top-5 payroll. Plus I think Jeter has too much respect for the Yankees' look to not bring it to Florida.
  13. I think their current set is a bit better (not by a huge wide margin though, as I was a fan of the 90s set). My complaint is I wish they'd go back to the brighter red instead of the more crimson color.
  14. This might be a bottom-of-the-barrel unpopular opinion, and things won't change anytime soon...but... The Steelers' white jerseys look way better without sleeve stripes than they do with them. The yellow stripes on white looks kinda goofy if you stare at them long enough. I say this look, with TV numbers on the shoulders, and maybe black & yellow sleeve cuff stripes would look a lot better. It might be a better look for Iowa, mainly to get distinguish it a little more from the Steelers.
  15. "I'm going to wake up today and announce the most unpopular opinion in the entire world".
  16. Maybe Wednesday or Thursday home games (it looks pretty great with the white pants). Bring it in to the rotation for just a few games.
  17. I do think they should have made the numbers neon green instead of purple. Black and purple seemed too close to the Rockies (and even the D-backs). A really crazy look would have been purple numbers outlined in green.
  18. Which color set? The gradient (which are underrated for the theme, IMO) or the dark green, light blue, black? If only the middle set lost the black, the Rays really could have made green and light blue an awesome baseball color palette.
  19. This road uni is far better than what the Cubs wear today, and probably the best (or maybe Top 3) the Cubs have worn all time. I think my only critique is it only needed one sleeve patch, and though the Cubs patch looks nice, the 80s/90s bear patch was probably a better choice and synced with the home jersey: :
  20. Well they weren't awful, either. 3 playoff teams in five years is success a lot of teams would like. I'd be happy if the Pats brought back the pants stripes from the 94-99 years (includes the second Apex set) and put them on the current set (navy instead of royal, of course) and took off the piping, and changed the socks. No piping and those stripes look great. (The royal blue always looked great in cold weather games, too).
  21. That hat logo seems incredibly out of place with the rest of it. Cool idea, just lacking in execution.
  22. At this rate in the Minors, Brandiose is probably working on some cheesy tot and fried pickle logos right now.
  23. To be fair, though, there are like 4 FSL teams in the Tampa region.
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