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Everything posted by WSU151

  1. Is it though? That whole argument is essentially slippery-slope stuff that may or may not happen. The easy counter is "Ok you can have one alternate helmet and one throwback helmet. If you don't have a throwback jersey, then you're limited to one alternate helmet." We've seen in every league that just because teams wear throwbacks doesn't mean that every other team gets another alternate. .
  2. Reminds me of a commerical back in 2013, as noted on this board:
  3. I'm happy with the black jerseys with the tiger accents and the tiger helmets. Going full tiger really isn't needed.
  4. Honey Hunters sounds like a porno from 1986...errr, at least that's what people have told me...
  5. Casual fans in Europe will see the black helmet with the Jaguar and assume it's the Miami Dolphins, who have never worn black helmets?
  6. This set should have lasted more than three years (94-96). It's really nice.
  7. Yes, already noted in the first post.
  8. This year's UNC throwbacks used the modern font, with the added shadow. What's inconsistent about the argyle application on the helmet stripes?
  9. I was kinda amazed Northwestern contrasted Auburn’s white helmets with white helmets of their own. ughh Should have worn purple helmets.
  10. Had this happen to me too. Ads are getting in the way to type and check notifications. It sucks to type a few sentences and then have to refresh the page because an ad locked up the text box.
  11. Seems like the equipment rooms didn’t talk to each other. Utah expected WSU to wear crimson helmets, so they wore white; WSU expected Utah to wear red helmets, so they wore white.
  12. I’d like it better if the wings on the helmet were green, and then make the O on the helmet silver or take it off entirely.
  13. Last year’s Territorial Cup (ASU vs UofA) was also maroon vs navy, almost exact same unis as last night (ASU had pant stripes in 2020): https://youtu.be/vRNBLA37hbQ
  14. Random thought of the day, and maybe not an unpopular opinion: The Blue Jays picked the wrong shade of blue in their 2020 alternate hats. The navy and light blue isn't great. What made the 80s/90s look memorable was how royal and light blue worked together; the alt hat should be royal, with light blue brim.
  15. I have to admit the helmet stripes on Miami's black helmet are pretty cool. And the Miami Arena wordmark on the back bumper is interesting (obviously inspired by the Heat's Vice unis)...wonder if they had to get permission to use that.
  16. Sorta/kinda reminds me of mid-90s Boise State, especially with a similar (if not identical) script:
  17. I think the red facemask makes it more "Iowa State" and less "USC". I just wish Iowa State could work in a yellow helmet as an alt.
  18. I like this color, it looks great on the basketball and soccer unis/kits, and I actually don’t hate it for football. It’s the color the Rays should add to their unis (in small amount only)
  19. Northwestern with throwback white face masks looks pretty awesome. https://mobile.twitter.com/NUFBFamily/status/1330250023360196610
  20. The tapered stripes never really made sense. Good move for the Gators.
  21. Pretty clever how they made sleeve stripes look like waves!
  22. They did; the helmets were generally lighter than the jerseys. The throwback uniforms look great today; I didn't notice the color difference until I logged on here.
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