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Everything posted by Cujo

  1. @Dcploves Lol if you say so!

  2. @DanielaEspo 0-4 start for sure! ...I hope.

  3. This'll surely stop terrorism and mass shootings! https://t.co/OZ4LEXTvlK

  4. @katiecakkes I'm all over it! See u shortly ;)

  5. Why do all the good girls live 5947 miles away? ??

  6. FWIW, Peyton turned down Indy's (ridiculous) one-day contract offer to retire as a Colt. And if you asked him to pick ONE team which defines him, he wouldn't. In four years, the man pretty much became as much of a legend in Denver as he did in Indianapolis. Fitting he won one ring in both cities.
  7. "Everything ok?" "I don't wanna talk about it." *tweets problem to the world*

  8. Had to look this one up... A watch is not a bad idea actually, as Super Bowl losers will never wear the conference rings they receive. On the other hand, I can see the watch getting much more use.
  9. @Cubs Haha poor starlin

  10. There's a black bar over Rihanna's boobies now.
  11. He was dealt to Florida mid-season. Probably taken during BP -- or whatever catchers do pre-game.
  12. Was only a mater if time, as TJ was the only non-HOFer on ESPN's NFL payroll.
  13. Incase Chapman can't wear #54 on the Cubs, #17035 is available.
  14. @Salt1015 If there ever was a perfect storm to get Trump into the White House...

  15. Not a huge problem (just annoying) if you're viewing from home. But the worsening softcore ads can be problematic if you visit the CCLSC from a work computer.
  16. Shaq was 2nd to Nash in MVP voting that year -- was HIS team.
  17. D-Wade's gonna lead the Bulls to 3+ titles when he couldn't LEAD the Heat to one.
  18. @rd606 Just did seven. Was probably the best vacation I've ever taken. EVER.

  19. @theandywebb But Rose broke an actual rule by betting. Steroids weren't against MLB rules til 2004

  20. @theandywebb But Rose broke an actual rule by betting. Steroids weren't against MLB rules til 2004

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