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Everything posted by Cujo

  1. Diego Maradona in a NO DRUGS jersey. That's rich
  2. David Ross has joined the booth at ESPN -- weeks after major layoffs decimated their baseball dept.
  3. Karma, bitch. Andy Katz has gotta land on CBS/Turner, right?
  4. in memoriam Ed Werder Trent Dilfer Jay Crawford Jayson Stark Dr. Jerry Punch Danny Kanell Chris Hassel Len Elmore Dallas Braden Doug Glanville Raul Ibanez Pierre LeBrun Jim Bowden Jane McManus Jaymee Sire Dana O’Neill Brendan Fitzgerald Calvin Watkins Paul Kuharsky Scott Burnside Melissa Isaacson Joe MacDonald Mike L. Goodman Dottie Pepper Ashley Fox Austin Ward Jesse Temple Eamonn Brennan Mark Saxon Jeremy Crabtree Jean-Jacques Taylor Johnette Howard Derek Tyson Doug Padilla Chanel Jennings Ted Miller Brian Bennett Ethan Strauss David Ching C.L. Brown Robin Lundberg Dave Tuley Justin Verrier Tom Farrey Rufus Peabody Marysol Castro Greg Ostendorf Reese Waters Jade McCarthy David Hirshey Roger Cossack
  5. Likely the 16th time this one's been posted.
  6. A ring players will never wear in public, especially since they blew 3-1. Such a waste.
  7. Crime Dog Nomahh Al "Four Touchdowns in One Game" Birdie
  8. The three had opted out of all NFLPA licensing agreements, so kinda-sorta yea.
  9. Not a uniform, but this "inaccuracy" always bugged tf outta me on Tecmo. Cunningham, Kelly and Kosar for all you millennials. Get off my lawn.
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