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Everything posted by monkeypower

  1. Yeah you definitely didn’t need to post all the pictures individually here... I saw the Hitmen jerseys in person and it completely skipped my mind to check if the armpit colours were still there. From some angles it looks like they are gone, at least from the dark jerseys.
  2. The white one isn't the Quicklite template, it's the old one for some reason.
  3. Kypreos and Doug Maclean leaving Sportsnet.
  4. The Edmonton Prospects of the WCBL, the summer collegiate league in Alberta and Saskatchewan, may be out of a home because the City of Edmonton didn’t renew the fifth year of the team’s lease at the stadium. Instead, the City put out a request for submissions on a 10 year lease for the stadium/land starting in 2020 as part of redevelopment plans for the area, which may not include a baseball stadium. The Prospects are submitting a proposal and a August 15th article says there’s another group expected to pitch a proposal about moving a rookie league team up that would be affiliated with the Angels. As an Angels fan who is in Edmonton for school, that would be pretty cool but most likely not happening.
  5. Sorry for the double (I guess triple post), but the Calgary Canucks of the AJHL (Jr. A) unveiled their new logo and um.... I guess it adds another wrinkle into the discussion from the NHL thread about what a "Canuck" means/represents? It's not great. For starters, his right hand doesn't appear to be holding the stick and I think it's weird to have the left hand flipped like he's taking a faceoff. Also, his jersey is the Canucks old colours. And here's a Calgary Tower alternate..
  6. The Hitmen also have a metallic(?) version of the logo which I think almost looks better than the flat version. The white under the eyes isn't as egregious because it looks like the metallic sheen and the outline pops more. Also, their season ticket package includes a 25th anniversary jersey so that's on they way, but it remains to be seen if it's a straight throwback like the 20th or a new alternate like the 10th and 15th. Related, the Hitmen also appear to have dropped the retro alternate (which they wore since they brought it back for the 20th anniversary) because they didn't wear it at all last season.
  7. On the back of a jersey or on a lineup card, 0 and 00 is no different from 1 and 11.
  8. The Canmore Eagles of the AJHL unveiled a new logo. This was their old one for reference.
  9. Calgary Hitmen 25th anniversary logo. Keeping the white under the eyes is a little odd with the all silver logo. They’ve used an all white mask logo in the past for marketing where the under eye was the same colour as the mask.
  10. Some NHL teams already do, Edmonton for one I believe, and I think it’s stupid. The division champion is whoever has the most points at the end of the regular season.
  11. That and there's another team in the same city, with an arena located across the street from the baseball stadium, that uses the city name and has only ever used the city name. It's not a perfect comparison between the Angels and the Jets/Giants, Braves and 49ers because those teams are playing in essentially suburbs of those cities and have only ever used the big city names. Plus I feel Anaheim has more clout and recognizability than say the Cobb County Braves or the Santa Clara 49ers (I do think New Jersey Jets/Giants could have worked if either went that way). It's also a bit disingenuous to compare the Angels of today to the Rams of yesteryear. No team had used Anaheim yet at that time so there wasn't the precedent for it, with the California Angels and the Los Angeles Rams playing in the same stadium at the same time. I posted on the boards before about an old article the Ducks dug out of the archives for their 25th anniversary this past season discussing what the name of the team would be. The Anaheim mayor at the time was interviewed and said he preferred the hockey team to use Anaheim because neither the Angels nor the Rams did. An Angels spokesperson was interviewed in the same article saying Anaheim was too small of a place to use as the geographic identifier and other comments that really implied there had been discussions within the Angels organization at some point in the pre-1992 past about using Anaheim. @LMU and the article are correct about the LA Angels being disingenuous because they don't own it, there is a concerted effort to only calling them "Angels" or "Angels Baseball". There is no reference to LA in the stadium at all, heck the PA annoucer only refers to them as "Angels" when introducing the starting lineup. You can buy merchandise that says Atlanta Braves, New York Jets and San Francisco 49ers. There is absolutely no Angels merchandise that says Los Angeles outside of retro original 1961-1965 Los Angeles Angels stuff. Other merchandise that have the city name and team name for 29 other teams will instead have "Angels Baseball". You aren't going to get a "Los Angeles Angels" shirt for dear old dad for Father's Day. (I really mean this. Go take a look around the MLB shop and all the merchandise that say "[Geographic identifier] [Team name]" will say "Angels Baseball" instead)
  12. Yeah, I know what it means and why the team is named that. I just (jokingly) think it sounds a bit unsavoury. Like an old man telling war stories about how he fought the Knickerbockers overseas or how he can’t believe the president’s a Kickerbocker.
  13. Knickerbocker still sounds like some old timey ethnic slur, which I guess it sort of is but not an offensive one? (and not like a really bad ethnic slur, more like one you have to occasionally remind your grandpa he can’t say anymore because it’s [insert current year] and it’s not something people say anymore)
  14. I forgot to mention this about Brooks until I saw them play in Okotoks a couple nights ago, the tail on their jersey script isn't a continuation of the S, it comes out of the bottom of the S. It's the same on their away jerseys, but with Brooks instead.
  15. Sure alright. They can change their name to Udder Tuggers and it’s all fine, but I do it once on a plane... No respect.
  16. This season, the WMBL (Western Major Baseball League) changed it's name to the WCBL (Western Canadian Baseball League), which I think is a major name upgrade in terms of actually recognizing where the league is. For the record, it's a summer collegiate wood bat league with teams in Alberta and Saskatchewan. -> I've always be meaning to post of dump of all the team's logos in here, because there are some interesting ones. I'm also pulling these logos off various effort levels of websites and social media (you know, junior league sports and all) so the quality may vary. With that, I can't really find good pictures of the jerseys for all teams, so I don't have any posted here, also so not to have an insanely big post. This league can trace back in various forms to 1931, so some of teams are pretty old with weird history's of existence (you know, junior league sports and all). Melville Millionaires (SK) Moose Jaw Miller Express (SK) Edmonton Prospects (AB) Medicine Hat Mavericks (AB) Regina Red Sox (SK) Swift Current 57's Yorkton Cardinals (SK) Weyburn Beavers (SK) Lethbridge Bulls (AB) Okotoks Dawgs (AB) Fort McMurray Giants (AB) Brooks Bombers (AB)
  17. The logo has the writing like this too, but the away jersey has Toronto with the inline. And what's @Gothamite's Mets wordmark issue. I want to be ruined too!
  18. I don't understand why Kootenay went with greyscale on the dark jerseys, it looks really bad.
  19. Dallas not having a black outline around the numbers and the captain's letters. It looks like an unfinished cheap screen printing job for a youth or a beer league team. And before anybody says "Well you can't see the black on the green", their AHL team does it and it's a much more "finished" look.
  20. The striping not being on the back of the socks could also be a manufacturing thing. The Jr. A team I did colour for, and a couple others in that league, had no sock striping on the back because it’s a different material. No idea why it’s a different material, but it is. If you look at Hebig (#41) in that picture above, you can see what I’m talking about because you can see the back of his shinpads through the back of the sock. PA changed to their current set in 2013, well after other teams had started to figure out and fix their Edge missteps. (The CHL switched to Edge for the 09-10 season, two years after the NHL) This leads me to believe the entire set was a choice, not a relic of the past. I’ve posted on the boards before about PA’s set looking like it’s from the original NHL Edge rollout, despite the jerseys being unveiled six years later. It’s got issues that had already been fixed by other teams.
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