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Everything posted by monkeypower

  1. Add the fact it's against Ottawa on a weeknight, might have had less people racing home after work.
  2. I'm getting ads on the top of the mobile site underneath the bar with the title and menu button, when I never have before.
  3. No way the WHL will take Alaska. Just the logistics of travel is enough to keep them out.
  4. Saskatoon is hard to get to by plane outside of coming from the major Canadian markets.
  5. Where did you hear that? That is so much worse than what the Flames have now. Stockton was a city posted earlier in this thread for the Flames and that makes sense with the proposed West AHL.
  6. The Prairies can get extremely freaking cold during the winter, especially in Winnipeg. It's also because they can't get a date set.
  7. To clarify I guess, the Flames let the Hitmen run themselves as a team for the most part, outside of some bureaucratic Flames Organization sponsored events. So the "retirement" and raising a banner was all on the Hitmen.But it would be weird to see yourself in the rafters of another team's arena. Right, that's what I meant. You're not going to have that just about anywhere else. And not just your name/number, but a picture of young you. A picture of you with hair.... and the occasional frosted tips.
  8. To clarify I guess, the Flames let the Hitmen run themselves as a team for the most part, outside of some bureaucratic Flames Organization sponsored events. So the "retirement" and raising a banner was all on the Hitmen.But it would be weird to see yourself in the rafters of another team's arena.
  9. The Flames got the Hitmen (and Roughnecks last year) wrapped into the "Forever A ..." because the Hitmen "retired" Getzlaf today. Even though the Hitmen, like the Flames, had already retired a number.
  10. It was near the start. I was also reading that the Ducks locked some people out because they weren't able to buy single game tickets for it early on in the season, it had to be part of a flex/mini-pack thing IIRC.
  11. The St. John Ak-Sar-Ben Quad City Abbotsford Adirondack Stockton Flaming Heat Knights
  12. Might be a weird question, but does anybody have the Maple Leafs sock stripe template? I'm having some trouble getting the sizing correct.
  13. I like simple, colour and style coordinated ones like the Oilers and the Ducks. All the same style and the different coloured banners represent different championships. Don't change the logo and colours of the older banners, sure you can change the template to match the others, but keep the correct logos and colours. Scott Brower(?) and the the 1996-97 Eastern Division Champions were in the old logos, not the current one and they never were a part of the current set of logos. It's the same with the Ducks and the Mighty Ducks banner. If the Ducks were to retire old Mighty Ducks players, I would want them retired in Mighty Ducks style because they never wore current Ducks jerseys.
  14. It won't let me send a message. Says there's a problem with array, whatever that means.
  15. It's very likely nothing though but I thought of you Admiral after. I'm not going to bother with it because I don't know everything.
  16. Admiral I heard about some activities your boy Strombo got into on the weekend, but I'm not sure if I want to set the site up for some libel or slander or whatnot.
  17. Second times the charm I guess. Try the Calgary Hitmen of the WHL with the sellout crowd. Not even the Flames. I'm not sure why the Flames got lumped into your post. Albeit, it's the biggest game on the Hitmen schedule though.
  18. Well it is Calgary, so it might not be the best example to show support for new Canadian NHL teams.
  19. I'm going to say very, very low. Repainting grass on a football field once a week and switching out tiles pieces of basketball court every couple days is one thing. Having to redo the ice surface every couple days (logo, ads etc.) is an entirely different beast.
  20. I'm not sure anybody here sends out their work to teams unless a team has contacted them or the team is running a contest. The concepts here are (rarely) used for anything besides for fun. If teams aren't looking for jerseys, they wouldn't need some, especially not from an internet board. If they do need a jersey, they would go to an actual design company. You wouldn't go to McDonald's headquarters with a reworked Big Mac when they aren't looking for a new burger and they have their own R&D. Though I do believe there have been some who have won contests that teams were running and had their jerseys made and used. And IIRC from some of the posts on the boards that there might be some sort of issues (maybe legal issues or just some sort of issues, maybe just some unwritten designer moral rules?) with a team using a random concept from someone who isn't with a professional designer. But I could be wrong though.
  21. What a weird combination of sites to be hacked. The article goes on to that it was through the ads on the sites.
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