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Everything posted by infrared41

  1. I'd never looked at it quite like that, Tony. But now that you mention it, I'd even go so far as to say that it applies to every game.
  2. He was good his first few years, but he's really gone downhill.
  3. Considering how many teams he's played for, I'm guessing it's a rule. Each season, the all teams that qualify must enter a lottery to reserve a roster spot for Josh Johnson.* The rules and criteria are secret and probably more complicated than playoff tiebreakers. *It used to be Josh McCown. When he retired, Josh Johnson was next in the line of succession.
  4. Damn right he is. His a career record of 58-48 speaks for itself. He's right up there with legends like Herm Edwards, Jim Fassel, and Monte Clark.
  5. Conference Championships: San Francisco vs. Philadelphia Cincinnati vs. Kansas City
  6. Outstanding. Side Note: If anyone is wondering, Cousinfukk, Arkansas is about 20 miles east of Left Nut, Arkansas.
  7. Relax. It was a joke, dude. Thus the smiling sunglasses emoji which has kind of been my bit around here for, I don't know, the last 15 years? It doesn't mean anything other than I'm kidding. That said, I agree, I do look pretty cool when I use it. See what I mean?
  8. Speaking as someone who has been on TV a lot, that's a well executed humble brag.
  9. Yeah, that six year Super Bowl drought is a real bastard.
  10. My reaction will more likely be "who?" because I stopped following MLB about 4 years ago. Advanced stats may improve your chances of winning or whatever stupid bull- they're supposed to do, but they have sucked every bit of enjoyment out of watching a game. This is what I think of when I see "where actual value in baseball comes from"... Left handed hitters constantly grounding out to right field Strike outs and more strikeouts. And then some more strike outs Walks Home runs and not much else More guys hitting .210 than .280, but hey, their OBP+WAR x Velocity Angle + (y) = Exit velocity x Spin means they might accidentally make contact and accidentally hit a home run so screw the guy who consistently puts the ball in play. Three true outcomes or die, bitches! Pitchers who are trying to throw the ball as hard as they can instead of actually, you know, pitching A sport where players like Tony Gwynn and Rod Carew would have never made the big leagues A sport where a guy like Dave Kingman would now be a superstar Baseball went from being fun to being like watching a spreadsheet take place in a stadium and you can keep it. I'm not wasting 4 and a half hours of my time watching a game of Microsoft Office Baseball.
  11. All due respect, I take WAR almost as seriously as I took Tank's annual suicide threats. That aside, my point was that Williams and Rolen are essentially the same player. And neither of them are Hall of Famers.
  12. And he was pretty good throughout his career, but players need to be more than pretty good to be in the HOF. Ask Matt Williams.
  13. Scott Rolen is a hall of famer? Based on what, exactly?
  14. This is why neutral site conference championship games could happen. From the Ringer...
  15. Brock Montana, White Roger Craig, and the discount 80's 49ers are one game away from the Super Bowl.
  16. Not when you look at the history of Alabama QBs in the NFL.
  17. Believe it or not, yes. I'm almost positive the Browns fell for it a few years ago. Then again, if something really stupid happens in a game, the Browns are usually involved.
  18. I'm being totally serious here. I miss getting that nervous about games. Back in the day with the 80's Browns, it was fun, stress, and misery all rolled into one and I'd happily go back and do it all again. Good times.
  19. The Cowboys beat up on a really bad, sub-.500 Bucs team last week. This week they actually have to play a real playoff team. I think you'll be happy with the results.
  20. Probably no one since the play wasn't all that similar and the circumstances are entirely different.
  21. Burrow is like Montana in that there never seems to be a moment in a game that's too big for him. That's as far as I'm willing to go with that comparison here at the Midwest chapter of "Montana was better than Brady."
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