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Everything posted by CS85

  1. They were involved in the After The Thrones show on HBO (akin to The Talking Dead), and it was mostly cringe. It takes something already larger than life in both its lore and production and covers it in frosting. It's cloying. Just let the show be the show and let us handle the flow of conversation in our chosen capacity.
  2. As long as you're posting a link with a .jpeg/.jpg/.png/.gif it should automatically embed. Twitter, YouTube, and I believe Streamable also automatically embed as long as you paste the direct URL to the page/tweet/video/etc. If you're posting an image from twitter, for example, and don't delete the :large at the end of it, it won't automatically embed. This is all coming from somebody who doesn't know about the backend stuff of Invision forums. Just speaking from experience.
  3. Chris Berman's wife died yesterday (today is his birthday) when she rear ended another vehicle before her own veered off the road. The other person, who also died, went into a ditch and hit a pole; Mrs. Berman went into a body of water.
  4. It's a combination of ESPN being like every other news channel in that they will always favor what makes them more money and how they make money is people watching programming and the programming people prefer is shouting heads and catering to the human pudding that remains in our society. Tack on HUGE amounts of money required to keep NFL/MLB programming, which is the only reason people pay for cable anymore, in addition to the millions who are fed up with cable, period, and you're going to lose many, many millions of dollars. This was always going to happen. In our lifetimes cable television will become a retired medium.
  5. Ed Werder was fired today after 17 years with ESPN. Lots more layoffs coming.
  6. Board has been terribly slow loading-wise for ~36 hours or so at least.
  7. One garbage show shouldn't excuse a network's agenda to trot out freaks and aggrandize controversial figures just to get the unwashed masses to tune in during commercials in Trump coverage.
  8. I really dug those old Warriors uniforms. I know they were a total departure from their heritage, but the color scheme and design was loud and fun.
  9. https://oddshot.tv/shot/UzrCLDb7CLBKo4QCDm8a-row I think I've watched this about 10 times already.
  10. Courtesy of Dr. Doug on twitter: lol. In regards to Berman, he's a controversial figure, ego-maniac, over-exposed doofus. That said, he's an icon, a game-changer of the industry, and he made Sundays all the more richer for his weirdness and unique flavor over the years. It's easy to say he was annoying or drop a "You're With Me, Leather," but I'm willing to admit I have a lot of respect for his career.
  11. Last night Skip Bayless sounded a lot like me during Blackhawks playoff runs:
  12. What the hell? I know Tiger isn't in the media, but this is a sports figure and twitter is kind of a media extension so... ...anyway, here's this.
  13. Meh. The NBA sideline duties are probably just to give him exposure and set him up to become ESPN's future equivalent to Yahoo's Adrian Wojnarowski. Maybe not. Eh, I say.
  14. Here's the rank: 1. Arizona Cardinals - 1947 (Chicago Cardinals) 2. Cleveland Indians - 1948 3. Sacramento Kings - 1951 (Rochester Royals) 4. Detroit Lions - 1957
  15. I think this may need to be updated.... edit: Now the longest title drought in sports is....
  16. http://www.si.com/tech-media/2016/10/06/joe-buck-fox-book-hair-plugs-surgery-voice
  17. People who hate on wrestling like that, much less a kid for enjoying it, are morons. Pro wrestling isn't shrouding itself in secrecy of what it is anymore. It's not the 80s where guys were protecting the business. This simply telegraphs Amin's ignorance regarding the wrestling industry, and tells me a lot about how much anyone should count on valuable insight from him regarding any other "real" sport. Guy sucks.
  18. You used to be able to click on the thread's title from the main forum body and it would go to the latest post. Instead now it takes you back to page one. Getting kind of annoying.
  19. There will be another. Just needs time.
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