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Silent Wind of Doom

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Silent Wind of Doom last won the day on September 8 2016

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    Wikipedia Uni Obermeister
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    Body in SC, Heart in New York

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  1. I finally saw the Yankees on MLB.tv's Great Mascot Race, and they had a mascot-style human named "Yankee Doodle". Is someone holding onto the copyright for Dandy and keeping it buried until their dead? Baxter, Billy, and Mr. Red are adorable, but I feel it's a missed opportunity to not get the cursed image of a baby Mr. Redlegs. And shame on them for having two Boston ones but no Mrs. Met! Also, who the crap is that in the Swinging Friar's spot? I would have referenced chazzwazzers. When I first scrolled past this, I thought it was a photoshop. Steve Martin, also a prop comic!
  2. I just looked back at this and can't believe I accidentally typed "Kansas City" instead of "St. Louis" is the "Gateway to the West". I can't believe our resident denizens of The Lou didn't kill me for that one. The older logo indeed conveys motion better due to the italicization. I think it's a good logo for a lot of applications, probably chief among them being the primary logos of the time. But we've discussed in the past how different logos work for different applications. The multiple different Yankee NYs, the way the cap D looks too light and wispy on the Tigers' uniforms. For a cap, the thicker and more balanced star just seems to work better. It doesn't hurt that the colors also contrast far better, with the white outline in photos blending into the sand with the stitching seeming to fray so that the whole thing looks fuzzy and almost real-life pixelated. I... sort of... nothing these logos. I don't know if it's that the Astros were a complete non-entity to me during this period. I have much more feeling for the Brewers look of the era, which I feel much better fit their team identity and are vastly underrated. They feel more in common with the Brewers' last identity where they're dark and sorta drab for an indoor location. And I can't believe I'm saying this considering I'm always on the receiving end of it, but the wordmarks feel dated rather than classic/retro. Some touches such as the outline bleeding together in places and disappearing in others and such make it look janky and sorta not fully thought out. I do think for the most part they did well with their AL identity, but I wish they'd kept the second open star as an alt somewhere, perhaps just a recolored version of their Texas outline patch. The difference of logo was called out when the site shared the whole set, but I have no idea why. Perhaps all that negative space would have looked weird with the stripes going through them? The size, though, seems in scale with their always smaller-looking logo. I just realized... this is a team that has spent the last twenty years flip-flopping between being a blue team and a red team... and they didn't just use that dichotomy to based the All-Star uniforms on. It was right there. Base it on the time the ballpark was built/the inception of the host franchise/the host's most iconic identity or era. Deadball throwbacks at Fenway, 60's at Dodger Stadium, 90's at Chase.
  3. Hehehe. Isn't often I get to do an update five years later! Here ya go, @clonewars2008! It would have taken a fraction of the time, but when I saw the World Cup trophy, I absolutely knew that I'd drawn it before and it was driving me crazy that I couldn't find it. I searched through every sig I've made because I didn't want to draw it again if I had already. On the third pass I finally found it... and then found out they changed the trophy after the one US win.
  4. Wait, then what missing line were you referring to then? Or do you mean the hole in the middle, which I've never really focused on, but the star-within-a-star effect is neat? My comments on not wanting to see the return of the previous open star have only been bolstered by watching the Derby and seeing the Lockheed Martin ad in the outfield. We make Walgreens jokes, but the Astros would look like they were the company's sponsored team.
  5. The italicized open star was entirely too slight. The extra chonk of its heir really helps it go a long way, and I always loved that logo. When imagining the Astros going back to orange, I'd expected them to recolor it because of how strong it was. People talk about it being stationary, but I thought it was incredibly obvious that the open part is the tail of a classically drawn shooting star, like the Lucky Charms one. Seemed like it had plenty of motion, and the design sorta fit the style of the time of the team's origins, especially more than the wild west touches they often leaned on and kinda are still doing now with the font. Meanwhile, I actually came here because I'm watching ESPN's leadup to the Derby. I did not realize that the All-Star Caps are coming in team colors as well, not just the somehow simultaneously faded and fluorescent shades. Those things look SHARP in team colors. I might just be that I love thick bands of team colors (It's why I love the pullover aesthetic of the 70's and 80's), but I love them. The home team especially looks beautiful.
  6. This actually took longer than I expected, @Mr. Krabs. I had something big Thursday that I paused before adding the soccer ones to do, but wound up busy after that so that I never got back to it. Two lines is the maximum an image is allowed in signatures, and it just barely made it below the maximum width. I wonder, since there is two lines, whether or not you'd prefer the soccer ones spread around since they're now just at the end of the second line instead of on their own. Here's what that would look like... It's a very unique thing. Neat.
  7. In this country, I think it's more that "West" is a nebulous concept. Not because it's hard to figure out, but because of the nation's history and population distribution. Early on, anything past the Appalachians was the untamed West and before that it was even closer. Combine that with the specific sport we're talking about beginning in the East where Minnesota and Kansas City were among early Western cities. Kansas City was always the one who tripped me up over this being the Gateway to the West but so far East and farther that way than the entirety of Texas by far. In football it's still in the West. In Hockey Chicago is still the West. Meanwhile, the line that divides the US population in two is in Indiana. "The West" has a wide definition based on historical, cultural, and population matters. It "feels" different for each person based on their life experience and how they've come into contact with the idea. As an East-Coaster who thinks of it with respect to old movies, Texas felt from my childhood like the Southwest/West based on its historical leaning on such iconography. Although looking at MLB alignment, that really sucks for travel. The truth, of course, its that it's so big that it straddles all the lines and falls in several different categories like @Dynasty said.
  8. Hmm... Everything is a hodgepodge of stuff I've had and redone over the years since, in order to make it really quick to do this I've made every award won by every team in every major sport. Originally the MLB logos were taken off the caps from my Wikipedia uniform images. About when I went back to change those images to take the colors from what was then Colorwerx (previously I'd just eyedropped logos or photos), I did the same for these. However, that site doesn't always have information before the 90's in a lot of sports, so sometimes I've got to eyedrop old logos or photographs. Ancient college banners are the ones where that happens the most. Also, since the background and year colors are supposed to represent the team's colors and those are often more centered around the uniform than the logo, there are times when there's a difference because the uniform hex doesn't match. Honestly, that probably is a thing for the uniform stuff I do, but I don't have an in to get the hex codes for the different uniform fabrics/finishes. This actually just recently came to pass due to the Knights winning the Stanley Cup last year. They primarily wore their bright gold uniforms, but given it was a metallic color, the swatch was much darker than the uniform ever was to the eyes and I just eyedropped a photo. But usually if there's been a rebrand I'll go back to the site for the colors and if a team hasn't made the playoffs in a while and show back up, I'll check against the information there to see if they've made a color change in-between. So they're largely taken by screenshotting the page and pasting it into paint to eyedrop the swatches for these. When the site was changed to disallow copying/saving the swatches, it definitely made things harder. I assume you're talking about the championship ones. I don't have a program that recolors images using hex codes, so that's all done by eye.
  9. Hey, @SavardToColton! I assumed when I got a notification that it was a happy Panthers fan, not someone from across the state. But here you go. Sorry it took so long, but I just started a new job and I've been busy. EDIT: Whoops! And I just remembered that I told myself I'd go back and draw the original NASL trophy (which I was shocked to find nobody's ever requested before) and forgot since I've been returning to this over several days.
  10. I honestly only came into contact with Sheetz (besides some exit signs on 95 travelling back and forth between New York and South Carolina) when the Phillies were so bad that their subreddit became a Wawa sub and they described Sheetz as the anti-Wawa. I assumed they crossed borders and competed, although them making it to 95 is already plenty evidence of that. I don't know these players, but the Sheetz patch is moving by handedness, on the left for righties and on the right for lefties. The guy in the white is clearly a righty. Maybe that's all it comes down to.
  11. Was shocked they got rid of a patch when they kept the P on the City Connects. Then I realized they've only played that one game with the patches and the empty sleeve in the previous game were opposite the Jolly Roger patch. Is there confirmation they're not just wearing both on the rest?
  12. I had his name flash across my brain as I was thinking if there were any Dodger greats still around, but was certain he'd died in the last fifteen or so years. Good to know he's still kicking.
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