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Posts posted by neo_prankster

  1. 2 hours ago, B-mer said:

    @OnWis97 appreciate the perspective from a fan. For this, since it's basing off of the alternate uniforms, I'm going to leave it as the red primary, though I totally understand and agree with your point about them being a "green" team. 


    Here those are thought to compare.




    The nice thing about the Wild is almost any design works in those colors.


  2. 2 hours ago, Wildcomet said:


    A couple things that you could try would be going for a bit more consistency in the thickness of some of the lines; I noticed some variance in the thickness around the ear, mouth and eyes. One thing to consider may be adding back in the black from the original- or introducing a darker red or green- inside the mouth to help separate the tongue from the lips.  Something about the perspective of the inside of the mouth seems a bit off to me, and I think the lack of a clear tongue or separation of it from the lips might be why.


    I agree with the others that this is looking better than the first you shared for sure. Tweaking those couple of things could put it over the top.

    How's this?


  3. 4 hours ago, Wildcomet said:

    I like it, it's a good start for sure. If I were to suggest possible changes to try, perhaps thicken the lines you have inside the ears and nose a bit to show that they're holes rather than just creases like the wrinkles above the nose, and possibly fill in the yellow triangle inside of the back cheek with green to make that area a bit less busy and cleaner for when the logo is smaller.

    How about the curly cue next to the ear? Is that too close to the ear lobe?

  4. 1 hour ago, tigerslionspistonshabs said:

    Honestly loved this logo and color scheme. Always thought it would also look great in their new color scheme as well. Everything they've used since 06 has just been blah. 


    Do you think I should put the black back on the logo for more contrast?

  5. 55 minutes ago, Wildcomet said:

    I have never been a big fan of the Ducks' new look, it comes off like they're trying to pretend they're something they aren't, and the color scheme they used to have and what you've used here was such a unique and good look for them. I'd much rather see them using these.


    Should I put the black back on the logo?

  6. 3 hours ago, WideRight said:

    Some interesting ideas on relocations.    I have not yet figured out what the impact of the 2008-2009 recession will be, and I just started thinking about how to handle COVID in 2020 and 2021.  The lockdowns really started to hit right when the USFL would start up in 2020, and I don't think the software I use for simulation will allow me to have a partial season, so I may just have to cancel all of 2020 and then work with 2021 (hubs? pods?) and see what happens.  I will look at what MLB and MLS did and see if any of their strategies would work for the USFL.  


    But, that is a long ways off (about 12-15 months from now since I tend to average about 1 season a month. 


    Other changes will also come first. 

    On another topic, does anyone have any recommendations on the best way to learn how to use Adobe Photoshop or another photo manipulation program.  I feel like the ability to alter photos is key to this project if I want to take it to the next level, but I have never really learned how to use that software.  I do a lot of designing on Corel Draw, but to be able to create realistic looking photos of Tom Brady in a Generals uniform or Terrell Davis scoring for the Maulers, would be a nice upgrade


    (BTW, I am considering that once I finish this USFL alt history, I might return to 1983 and start all over again, but with more detail, a slightly slower pace, and more photos.  I thought about an NFL Europe alt history, but the USFL is really where my heart lies, and now, as I look back at the first 20+ seasons, I see lots of places where I wish I had done things differently, so a version 2.0 might be a chance for me to reinvent once again.)



    For the 2008-09 recession, you could have some teams ponder relocation if their attendance drops.


    For 2020, you could have two options:

    - "Season Not Played" or "Season Not Completed"


    - You could still have a full simulation and with an asterisk to explain any coronavirus-related interruptions.


    I would like to see you do a WLAF/NFL Europe simulation as a change of pace. If you need my help with that, I'm always open.

  7. 7 hours ago, WideRight said:

    Expansion designs coming soon, but as we are in the 2nd half of the 2006 season, it is time for some of the 2007 designs to be revealed by Reebok.

    First up is the least dramatic of the redesigns, the New Jersey Generals.  They tip the cap at their early years, removing some of the 1990's design elements like the epaulette-inspired striping, and go back to a more classic look.  A new wordmark and number font are the main changes for the Generals as they evoke more of a 1983 vibe for 2007. 



    Very clean look for the Generals.

  8. On 3/31/2023 at 6:55 AM, B-mer said:

    I didn't really think that at all, but can see where you'd say that. I'm sticking with the colors so maybe i'll think of a new jersey design.


    Spent some more time on the logo. I'm much happier with this, even though i based it more on the Seahawks logo, i tried to make enough changes to differentiate it. But then again maybe i like it because i like the Seahawk logo so much....



    I'm wondering if a thin turquoise stroke around it would help add a little more of that color and make it stand out, particularly on the white backdrop.

    I'd like to see how this logo looks with other current NHL crests.

  9. 6 hours ago, WideRight said:

    Brian, (et al),


    So after many variations, many other concepts, and a few very weird turns, here is my proposed 2ndary logo for the Monarchs.   It is based on the Hudson Valley Fort of the short-lived FXFL.  A lot more purple-dominant, than the primary, but still hopefully works as a part of the same basic identity package.   I have 2 versions and would love some feedback on which works best.  




    And I have to say that I agree with the idea that trying to mimic styles of a particular 5-10 year period of design and at the same time stick to existing logos at the same time is a huge issue.  The truth is that I have had to be flexible, pulling designs from a limited number of real world or concept logos to try to show progression over time.  There are just not a lot of good options in each time period.  For me WLAF/NFLE designs are the closest to the original USFL aesthetic.  XFL 1.0 was very far from that look, very "xtreme and kewl", which is just not the USFL.  The only other option between 2000-2010 is the UFL, which had only a handful of teams, and then you have to wait until 2019-2023 for the AAF, XFL 2.0, XFL 3.0, and USFL 2.0.   I did not find a lot in arena football that would work, thought there are some very good logos in that league (Rattlers, for example).   So, in an effort to try to repurpose actual logos, the timeframe is not always going to align perfectly.  The minimalism of the 2020's vs. the love of gradients or multiple outline complex wordmarks earlier in the decade, the obsession with darkening colors and BFBS, or the explosion of teal and purple in the 90's, are just not all going to perfectly fit into the USFL alt history timeline.  it is an inherent issue with the limitations of the alt history genre, as well as with my efforts to stick with real world designs as much as I can, rather than just inventing a league from scratch. 



    No offense, but the C looks forced in both versions.


    I think it a purple, teal and silver rendering of the WLAF Monarchs logo could be more timeless.


  10. That honestly looks super ugly. Sorry.


    I look forward to seeing what the third design will be.


    I would really love it if Portland could have a team called the Axemen or the Playtpodes. Or maybe the Stags as a nod to that famous neon sign.

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  11. 11 minutes ago, WideRight said:

    SPOILER ALERT---- I am about 3-5 days away from posting info on the USFL Alt History Website about expansion, so if you don't want to know yet, look away.












    I get the feeling no one is looking away.  OK, here's the scoop.  


    Portland will be getting the first of the two 2008 expansion teams, returning to the league only 5 years after the Portland Thunder unceremoniously departed for Las Vegas.   The PDX Football Group, the winning ownership group, is letting you (and the public at large) decide what identity they will use for their new club. 


    The team colors are set;  Deep Forest Brown,  Blaze Orange, and Woodland Buff.  

    The names are all iconic animals of the Pacific Northwest. 

    All three logos are based on real teams from real leagues.   


    I am presenting them here first, one at a time, and then all 3 will be part of the online poll that you can participate in to help me design Portland's new USFL team. 


    Today I present the first of three designs, the Portland Pumas.  Fans of alternative football will recognize the design for this logo.  It is the main logo of the Sacramento Mountain Lions of the short-lived United Football league, modified a bit to remove the "S" of Sacramento, and to align with the new color scheme.  


    I will reveal the other two logos over the next few days, all leading up to the poll, which will be open until the 2006 Week 4 USFL games are simulated and reported.  Then I will present the full uniform and logo plans for the winning design. 


    Next up a logo and animal based on a league that predates the USFL.  A modernized classic from a very different part of the country. 











    I feel like this one might not make the cut because of potential objections from the Michigan Panthers.

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